July 2021
Service For Life !
Insider Tips for Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Living
If you're not already a subscriber to my free e–newsletter e - mail me at Florence@bchrealestate.com to sign up
Florence Gadbois, Realtor CA DRE#01040021 (805) 701 - 8410 E - mail: Florence@BchRealEstate.com
Do You Have A Hard Time With Sudden Changes?
There’s no sure-fire way to prevent even the best-laid plans from falling through sometimes. In today’s Service For Life ! ® Free consumer newsletter, you’ll learn some strategies for dealing with unexpected changes to help keep you from feeling stressed or stuck. You’ll also learn about free video call apps to help you stay in touch with friends and family, household smells you should definitely pay attention to, and tips to become a better stepparent – plus fun facts, a trivia challenge, and lots more. Here are the sales stats for the beach/marina area, which included Mandalay Shores, Hollywood Beach, Silverstrand Beach, Mandalay Bay, Seabridge, Westport, The colony, HarborWalk, HarborWest , CI Waterfront Homes and Harbour Island. Note: Inventory less than 6 months is considered a seller’s market: more than 6 months, a buyer’s.
Closed Escrows
Active Listings
Inventory (months)
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 21 21 14 23 20 18 12 15 11 13 34 28 14 17 20 18 19 20 17 18
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 75 70 67 80 22 4.02 2.13 4.49 4.14 1.19 84 53 91 92 23 3.95 2.59 3.37 4.68 1.55 84 63 69 89 17 3.9 2.51 4.5 4.68 0.53 88 60 87 90 14 4.72 2.42 5.46 4.9 0.86 107 54 108 93 29 4.99 2.82 6.98 4.29 1 112 70 128 78 28 4.19 4.2 7.04 4.38
January February
April May June
20 31 18
8 22
44 22 11 22 22 15 24 46 30 32 29 32 29 23 27 45 28 16 15 49 23 19 14 19 11 12 22 29
22 thru 6/19
102 97 122 80 103 92 125 62 95 95 126 51 96 81 115 34 61 87 100 41 63 79 93 32
4.26 4.1 6.88 4.05 3.82 4.21 7.04 4.78 3.83 3.67 6.3 1.5 2.4 4.13 5.74 1.8 2.45 3.81 4.71 1.23 2.54 3.32 4.3 0.89
November December
I have buyers looking for specific floor plans in both The Colony and HarborWalk . Thinking of selling? Call today. I may well have the buyer for your property waiting for the right one to come along. Finally, I want you to know, that you may call me for any reason. And please let me know if a friend, family member or neighbor needs a caring, experienced real estate professional to help in buying or selling.
I truly appreciate your friendship and referrals. Enjoy your issue!
Warmest regards, Florence Florence Gadbois CA DRE#01040021 RE/MAX gold Coast
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com
Service For Life ! “Insider Tips For Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Living…”
Call me right now at 805-701-8410 and ask for my Free Consumer Guide to homeowner profits titled, “Make Your Home Show Like A Model Without Breaking The Bank”…
How To Cope When Plans Fall Through
July 2021 Oxnard, California
No matter how much we prepare in advance, chances are very good that plans will have to change along the way. Some people are adept at going with the flow when this happens, but for others, a sudden schedule change can be debilitating. There’s no magic solution that makes plans bullet-proof or changes easier to handle, but there are some things you can do to help your brain cope with the stress of change. And most of the following tips can be implemented at the moment plans fall through, or even afterward, so it’s not all about planning ahead for changing plans! • Have a Plan B. And maybe even C. Unexpected changes are most difficult to handle when we don’t have a backup. Think ahead of time about how you might pivot if you needed to, and you’re more likely to be able to make the shift gracefully. • Focus on what you can control. It’s upsetting when changes are beyond your control, and it’s also important to remember that worrying about those things won’t help. Instead, look at the elements of a plan that are in your control and do what you can with those. • Look for learning opportunities. This may come after the fact, but if you can reframe the experience as a chance to learn something it may be easier to let go of anxiety. • Treat yourself kindly. There is no point in berating yourself about your reaction when plans fall through, or piling shame on top of whatever unhappiness you were already feeling. Give yourself the chance to feel and acknowledge your feelings without judgement and you’re more apt to be able to move on. Save Thousands When Buying A Home… Did you know there’s a free consumer report revealing ways to save time and money when buying a home? It’s called “ 8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Finding and Buying Your Next Home ,” and it’s great even if you’re not planning to buy soon. Get your free copy by calling me at…805-701-8410
Inside This Issue…
Coping Mechanisms For Unexpected Changes…Page 1
4 Free Apps For Video Calls…Page 2
Can You Smell These Problems? …Page 2
How To Be A Great Stepparent …Page 3
Answer This Trivia Question and You Could Win $75 Gift Card for Lure Resstaurant...Page 4 When I Put My Home On The Market, How Will Market Value Be Established?…Page 4
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com
Apps For Family Video Chats The whole world is familiar with Zoom now, but it’s not the only video chat option. In fact, if you’re looking for a video chat app to stay in touch with family and friends (rather than coworkers), there may be other options that work better for you. Here are some of the best video call apps to try. Best of all, every single one is free! ✓ Skype: An oldie but a goodie, Skype works on computers and mobile devices and can be used to make regular phone calls as well as video calls with up to 24 people at a time. ✓ FaceTime: With FaceTime, iPhone, iPad, and Mac users can easily connect for video chats with up to 32 people. ✓ Duo: Duo is Android users’ answer to FaceTime, although you don’t have to have an Android device to use Duo. So, if your group includes both Apple and Android adherents, this app covers both for up to 12 people. ✓ Houseparty: As the name suggests, Houseparty isn’t the app for your business meetings. It’s especially good for spontaneous gatherings, as the app notifies you when your friends are online. Video calls are limited to eight participants. Would You LikeTo Receive my Service For Life! In Your email Inbox? Nothing to download or install on your computer Just like reading the print version. Go to : https://florence.cld.bz We all know what it likely means if we smell smoke at home, and most people know that the scent of rotten eggs can mean a dangerous gas leak. But there are several other unpleasant odors that can be clues that something is amiss in your house. • Wet Dog: If you’ve got a dog, you already deal with the occasional stinky pup. When you smell “wet dog” odor and you don’t have a dog (or your pooch has just had a bath), it could be that rodents or other animals have moved in. Start checking attics, basement, and walls. • Ammonia: A scent of ammonia (sometimes also described as a “cat pee” smell) is a sign you may have a mold or mildew issue, though it can also mean there’s a dead rodent in the walls. Follow the smell and try to pinpoint it before you start cutting holes in the wall to remove the problem. Mold requires expert intervention. • Fishy: When you smell fish and you haven’t been cooking fish, it could mean that there’s some overheated electrical wiring in an appliance, light, or switch. Contact an electrician to fix this before it turns into an even bigger fire hazard. Send your email address to florence@BchRealEstate.com . House Odors That May Indicate Problems
Word of the Month… Studies have shown your income and wealth are directly related to the size and depth of your vocabulary. Here is this month’s word, so you can impress your friends (and maybe even fatten your wallet!)…
haptic (pronounced HAP-tik) adjective
Meaning : related to the sense of touch; perceiving things through touch
B Sample Sentence: Video game controllers with haptic sensors can enhance a player’s immersive experience, such as vibrating or shaking during an earthquake or explosion that happens in the game. The Emerald City… Wasn’t In the colorful film adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” book, the Emerald City is resplendent in countless shades of green. In the original book, however, it wasn’t the city that was green—it was the green-colored glasses everyone was required to wear. The Nose Knows Natural gas has no odor on its own and isn’t detectable with smoke or carbon monoxide alarms. So, since gas leaks can be deadly, gas companies add a chemical that gives it its “rotten egg” smell to make sure we notice the leak as soon as possible and get out of the house. Quotes To Live By… “Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” – Henry James, American Author “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.” – Niels Bohr, Danish Physicist “Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.” – Jochen Zeitz, German Businessman
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com
6 Tips For Good Stepparenting Blended families are very common, and while being a stepparent can be a rewarding experience, it can also be an enormous challenge. While some of the pieces involved in creating a functional family unit is beyond your control, there are lots of things you can do to make the integration process smoother and easier for everyone. 1. Take it slowly. All kids need time to adjust to change and they may not even be conscious of their reactions. Give children time to get used to you and the new family dynamic. And, if the children have another involved parent from the previous relationship, don’t overstep and force your views and role as the new parent in a way that threatens the other parents’ role. 2. Create house rules with your partner. When you work together rules will come from you and your spouse’s united front. 3. Be consistent. Children are less likely to see you as a threat if they know they can trust you. Being consistent in your behavior (toward them and otherwise) is a great way to build trust. 4. Meet kids where they are. How old children are when you become their stepparent can dramatically impact how easy or challenging the family integration will be. It’s critical to first understand what each child needs based on their individual development, and then go from there. Teens are entirely different than toddlers. 5. Find common ground. Get to know the child and, if possible, pick something you both like to do (like cooking, sports, or art) as one way to gently insert yourself into their life as a friend. 6. Boundaries! Set boundaries early and hold to them. Kids will test their limits, but stay consistent. For example, if your home office is off-limits, let kids know and stick to it. This is by no means an exhaustive list of tips, and it’s a very good idea to seek the help of a therapist who specializes in blended families. Whether you go solo to therapy or as a couple, you’ll likely gain valuable insights, and your partner won’t be the only receptacle for your frustrations.
1 Did You Know? Unlike most land animals (including humans!), frogs don’t need to drink when they’re thirsty. Instead, water is absorbed directly through the skin on their stomachs and thighs. Uplifting Websites While “doomscrolling” (scrolling through negative news) is common, there has always been a need for injections of positivity on days when we’re feeling down. Here are a few uplifting resources online to give you a boost when you need one. • The Daily Respite : dailyrespite.substack.com This email newsletter delivers a daily dose of beauty, humor, and adorableness (or a combination of all three) directly to your inbox. • Happify : happify.com With both an app and a website, this company focuses on solutions for well-being and mental health. Easy exercises help keep your “happiness score” high. • Good News Network : goodnewsnetwork.org For more than two decades, the Good News Network has been a repository for positive news stories from around the globe. ever Brain Teaser… There is a dead man lying alone in a field not far from an unopened package. How did he die? (See page 4 for the answer.) Real Estate Question? Maybe you want to know how much your home is worth. Or maybe you just need a recommendation for a handyman, carpet cleaner or plumber… Either way, I love hearing from all of my good friends and clients. And I’m happy to help answer questions you might have about anything relating to real estate or home-ownership. If you have a question, tip or idea, call me at 805-701-8410 . I’m here to help!
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com
Thanks For Thinking of Me! Did you know I can help you or any of your friends or family save time and money when buying or selling a home? Thanks for keeping me in mind with your referrals…and spreading the word about my services. Brain Teaser Answer: He was a skydiver and the package was his unopened parachute With more than 400 National Parks in the United States, there are plenty of options that don’t attract enormous crowds. Check out the National Parks System’s own visitor statistics to find a less crowded (and likely more tranquil) park near you. Go to https://irma.nps.gov/STATS/ and under Reports choose “National Reports.” Select the “Annual Park Ranking Report” and then choose “National Park” from the report’s “Park Type” drop-down menu. The parks with the fewest visitors are at the bottom of this list. THANK YOU for reading my Service For Life ! ® personal newsletter. I wanted to produce a newsletter that has great content and is fun and valuable to you. Your constructive feedback is always welcome. AND… whether you’re thinking of buying, selling or financing real estate, or just want to stop by and say “Hi,” I’d love to hear from you… Florence Gadbois CA DRE#01040021 RE/MAX Gold Coast 805-701-8410 florence@bchrealestate.com BchRealEstate.com Disclaimer: The information contained in this letter is intended for informational purposes. It should not substitute as legal, accounting, investment, medical or other professional services advice. Always seek a competent professional for answers to your specific questions. This letter is not intended to solicit real estate properties currently for sale. Least-Visited U.S. National Parks
“Who Else Wants To Win $75 Gift Card for Lure Restaurant?”
Guess who won last month’s Trivia Question? I’m pleased to announce the lucky winner of last month’s quiz. And the winner is …drum roll please: Bill Reno of The Colony.
What 1985 movie was known for two Academy-award nominated songs by Lionel Richie and Phil Collins?
a) A Chorus Line b) Delivery Boys c) White Nights d) Fast Forward The answer is c) White Nights. Lionel Richie won an Academy Award for “Say You, Say Me.” “Separate Lives” was performed by Phil Collins and Marilyn Martin.
So let’s move on to this month’s trivia question.
In addition to being writers, what other profession did Anton Chekhov, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Somerset Maugham, and William Carlos Williams have in common? a) minister b) professor c) doctor d) lawyer
Call Me At 805-701-8410 OR Email Me At florence@bchrealestate.com And You Could Be One Of My Next Winners!
Real Estate Corner…
Q. When I put my home on the market in a few months, how will market value be established? A. Market value is simply what a buyer is willing to pay and a seller is willing to accept. This answer assumes that both parties are well informed about closed home sales that are “comparable” based on four important factors : 1. Location. Even within the same city, different neighborhoods can have completely different market values. Compare prices of recent sales in the same community. 2. Age. Comparable homes should be built within a couple of years of yours. Building codes and style trends vary with time and greatly affect value. 3. Size of home and lot. Buyers are sensitive to the price per square foot. Your home may be unique, but buyers will compare the price per square foot with neighboring properties for both the home and the land. 4. Property condition. As the seller, you have many opportunities to increase the attractiveness of your home by getting it in tip-top condition and staging the rooms before placing the home on the market. If you’re thinking of selling your home in the next year, you need to know about my “ Maximum Home Value Audit .” My audit is much more than a simple home valuation you’ll get from another agent. It’s a complete top-to- bottom analysis not just of the value, but every aspect of your home. To request a no-obligation audit of your home’s value please call me at 805-701- 8410.
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com
Florence’s…. Colony MarketWatch ™
Homes Currently Active …
Sq. Ft.
Floor Plan Martinique
Asking Price
$659,888 $659,888
Market Average
Accepting Back Up Offers…
Sq. Ft.
Floor Plan
Asking Price
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 3
1369 1550 1369 2409
1985 San Sebastian
Antigua (Ambassador)
$1,299,000 $699,000 $1,195,888 $973,472
San Sebastian Vina del Mar
Madeira (Ambassador)
Market Average
Pending Properties…
Sq. Ft.
Floor Plan
Asking Price
Capri (Ambassador)
$1,495,888 $1,495,888
Market Average
Sold Properties… (07/01/20 Thru 06/20/21) Address List $ Sale $
Floor Plan Martinique
Date Sold
4442 Antigua Way 2242 Martinique 1947 San Tropez 2375 Martinique 2007 San Tropez 4492 Antigua Way
$624,888 $619,000 $624,888 $639,888 $639,888 $650,000 $648,888 $655,000 $689,888 $689,000 $699,999 $687,000 $699,000 $725,000 $710,000 $789,888 $799,888 $829,888 $889,000 $749,000 $690,000 $679,888 $699,000
$620,000 $605,000 $624,888 $625,500 $635,000 $635,000 $650,000 $655,000 $690,000 $694,000 $700,000 $705,000 $705,000 $725,000 $725,000 $780,000 $802,500 $818,000 $875,000 $764,000 $675,000 $679,888 $685,000
1217 1113 1218 1113 1218 1368 1368 1368 1459 1368 1368 1368 1368 1368 1550 1627 1459 1628 1368 1550 1627 1450 1627
$509.45 $556.15 $513.04 $561.99 $521.35 $464.18 $475.15 $478.80 $472.93 $506.94 $511.70 $515.35 $515.35 $529.97 $467.74 $479.41 $550.03 $502.46 $639.15 $529.48 $509.96 $558.95 $444.92 $677.92 $506.71 $493.22 $414.87 $465.68 $421.02
Martinique (Phase I)
Martinique (Ambassador) 10/06/20
Martinique (Ambassador) 09/18/20
07/22/20 08/17/20
4415 Antigua
Madeira Madeira
2363 Martinique
2241 Martinique
2177 Martinique
2317 Martinique
01/20/21 10/30/20 12/03/20 12/01/20 12/08/20 03/02/21 01/28/21 03/10/21 04/27/21 05/28/21 01/26/21 07/16/20 04/06/21 01/20/21 03/18/21 09/17/20 03/23/21 08/17/20
2386 Martinique 2121 Martinique
Antigua Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Antigua
2133 Martinique
4423 Antigua
2171 Martinique
4464 Antigua 4477 Antigua
4480 Antigua
2370 Vina del Mar 2161 Martinique 1984 San Tropez 4742 San Sebastian
Capri (Ambassador)
Madeira (Ambassador)
2101 Martinique
2234 Cannes
$1,060,000 $1,050,000 2059 $1,150,888 $1,100,000 2059 $1,149,888 $1,050,000 2360 $1,599,888 $1,570,000 2360
San Tropez San Tropez Vina del Mar Vina del Mar
2125 Vina del Mar 2323 Vina del Mar 2223 Vina del Mar Market Average
RE/MAX represented buyer, seller or both . Properties as of June 20 2021 and may not be listed by RE/MAX. Information herein has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change
MarketWatch ™ “ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For HarborWalk To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”
Active Properties…
List $
Sq.Ft. Floor Plan
Harbor Harbor LaBrea
$650,000 $769,000 $699,000 $739,666
1198 1198 1474
Plan D Plan D
Market Average
Properties Accepting Back Up Offers…
List $
Sq.Ft. Floor Plan
$659,000 $659,000
Market Average
Sold Properties (01/01/2020 – 06/20/2021 Address List $ Sale $
Sq.Ft. $/sq.ft
Floor Plan
Date Sold
3110 Harbor
$456,800 $465,000
Plan C (end unit)
08/17/20 07/07/20 03/24/21 05/13/20 04/01/21
2935 Harbor 2939 Harbor 3142 Sunset 3414 Sunset 3644 Sunset
$474,900 $474,900 $495,000 $525,000 $599,000 $580,000 $589,500 $589,500 $639,500 $625,000 $649,000 $630,000 $675,000 $635,000 $649,000 $642,000 $639,900 $650,000 $669,000 $660,000 $749,900 $725,000 $729,000 $729,000 $850,000 $850,000 $642,000 $625,550
925 925
$513.41 $567.57 $448.22 $519.38 $424.02 $525,88 $430.80 $535.89 $572.69 $500.38 $488.22 $490.91 $570.85 $522.16
Plan C Plan C Plan D
1294 1135 1474
T-3 T-2
3120 Sunset
Plan D
3034 Sunset
1198 1474 1198 1135 1319 1485 1485 1489
Plan D
4506 LaBrea
07/20/20 07/31/20 04/06/21 10/08/20 11/16/20 02/28/20 10/20/20
2967 Harbor 4534 LaBrea 3480 Sunset 3320 Sunset
Plan D (end unit)
Villa (end unit)
3340 Sunset
Villa (end unit) Villa (end unit)
3125 Harbor
3241 Harbor
$925,000 $925,000
Villa (end unit)
Market Average $513.56 Bold: REMAX Represented Buyers, Sellers or Both $656,260 $649,430
The information referenced has been provided by the Ventura County MLS Corporation’s MLS as of June 20, 2021. The listings and sales are not exclusive to RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors and may have been represented by others. Display of the MLS data is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed by the MLS and prices are subject to change.
See HarborWalk floor plans at:
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