December 2023
Service For Life !
Insider Tips for Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Living
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Florence Gadbois, Realtor CA DRE#01040021 (805) 701 - 8410 E - mail:
Did You Know Decluttering Your Home Can Ease Your Mind?
Straightening up and decluttering your home has been proven to not only bring order to your home, but reduce feelings of anxiety while at the same time increasing productivity and focus. In today’s Service For Life ! ® Free consumer newsletter, you’ll learn tips to declutter your home, working within your timeframe. You’ll also learn a few ways to improve your relationships with the people in your life, when you should start thinking about estate planning and how to get started, and ways to go green this holiday season – plus fun facts, a trivia challenge, and lots more.
Here are the Sales Statistics for the Beach Marina Area, which includes : Mandalay Shores, Hollywood Beach, Silverstrand Beach, Seabridge, Westport, Mandalay Bay, Harbour Island, Port Marluna, The Colony, HarborWalk, HarborWest, C.I. Waterfront Homes
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
January February
14 23 20 13 14 15 11 13 13 20 14 17 20 27 16 20 17 18 23 10 18 8 22 20 11 11 22 34 26 15 24 46 30 17 17 29 32 28 19 17 27 45 27 14 11 15 49 26 16 13
67 80 22 21 22 4.49 4.14 1.19 0.92 1.48 91 92 23 21 26 3.37 4.68 1.55 0.53 1.54
69 89 17 12 28
4.5 4.68 0.53 0.92 1.83
April May June
87 90 14 22 30 5.46 4.9 0.86 0.88 2.1 108 93 29 21 34 6.98 4.29 1 1.27 2.27 128 78 28 30 35 7.04 4.38 0.62 1.86 2.55 122 80 18 47 37 6.88 4.05 1.23 1.69 2.48 125 62 34 37 36 7.04 4.78 0.73 1.65 2.23
126 51 20 35 34
6.3 1.5 0.62 1.85 2.27
115 34 16 37 32 5.74 1.8 0.9 2.03 2.97 100 41 20 39 31 4.71 1.23 0.875 2.19
November December
14 19 25 7 22 29 18 15
7 thru 11/20
93 32 21 33
4.3 0.89 0.897 1.26
Finally, I want you to know, that you may call me for any reason. And please let me know if a friend, family member or neighbor needs a caring, experienced real estate professional to help in buying or selling.
I truly appreciate your friendship and referrals. Enjoy your issue!
Warmest regards, Florence
Florence Gadbois DRE #01040021 RE/MAX Gold Coast
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Florenc e’s…
Service For Life ! “Insider Tips For Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Living…”
Here’s free advice if you’re buying or re- financing your home. It’s my Free Consumer Guide titled, “7 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Financing Your Home.” Call me at 805-701-8410 to get a copy…
4 Tips To Improve Your Relationships
December 2023 Oxnard, California
Life moves at a fast pace and while we’re trying to do it all, it’s easy to put our relationships — whether with our partners, kids, families, or friends — on the backburner, which can, in turn, can cause them to fizzle and fade away . It’s time to put our relationships first again. Consider these four tips to improve your relationships with others, and, perhaps most importantly, yourself. partner’s/kid’s/friend’s day, celebrate! The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology published research that shows celebrating little victories — in addition to the big ones — increases intimacy, trust and satisfaction in relationships. • Be fully present: Whether talking in-person or on the phone, disconnect from everything else so that you’re fully present in your conversation with your partner, child, friend, or member of your family. Turn off the TV, turn on the “Do Not Disturb” feature on your cell phone and turn your attention fully to whomever you’re talking with to show them that they’re the priority. strengthened by meaningful experiences that result in core memories, especially if those experiences are new to both of you. Take on a challenging hike, find an art class, or travel to someplace new, all of which will create stronger bonds with the people in your life. • Take time for you: They say that you can’t love someone else until you love yourself, and our relationships with ourselves is one of the most important we’ll ever have. One way to build this self -relationship is by taking ourselves out on play dates to lean into curiosity and joy, and, most of all, have fun. Save Thousands When Buying A Home… Did you know there’s a free consumer report revealing ways to save time and money when buying a home? It’s called “ 8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Finding and Buying Your Next Home ,” and it’s great even if you’re not planning to buy soon. Get your free copy by calling me at… 805-701-8410 • Celebrate little victories: When something goes right in your • Try new things together: Relationships, regardless of type, are
Inside This Issue…
Build Relationships With These Tips …Page 1
You’re Never Too Young To Think About Estate Planning …Page 2
Environmentally Friendly Holidays …Page 3
Have A Clutter Problem? …Page 3
Answer This Trivia Question And You Could Win $75 Gift Card for Lure Restaurant...Page 4 A Seller Offered To Finance Me. What Does That Mean To Me?...Page 4
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Word of the Month… Studies have shown your income and wealth are directly related to the size and depth of your vocabulary. Here is this month’s word, so you can impress your friends (and maybe even fatten your wallet!)… Meaning: the capability of computers to mimic human intelligence Sample Sentence: Artificial intelligence, or AI, will never be able to replace human intelligence. Keep Holiday Lights From Tangling There’s nothing worse than being ready to decorate for the holidays, only to be derailed by tangled strings of holiday lights. Here, a few tips to help maintain your sanity and keep your holidays shining bright. • Cut a notch onto both ends of an empty paper towel cardboard roll and wrap lights top to bottom. Wrap lights around your fist and use twist ties to keep them neatly together. Tape one end of the lights to the outside of the box they came in, wrap the lights around the box, and tuck the other end to secure them. Invest $10 in a power cord reel. Thread one end of the lights through the reel and spin the handle to easily wrap them around. Did You Know? “Decem” means tenth in Latin. The month of December was the tenth month in the Roman calendar, until January and February were added in the year 713 BCE. Quotes To Live By… “ He who marvels at the beauty of the world in summer will find equal cause for wonder and admiration in winter .” – John Burroughs, author “ Be present in all things and thankful for all things .” – Maya Angelou, poet “ Do what you can, with what you have, where you are .” – Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. President • • • Artificial Intelligence (AI) , noun
When Should You Start Thinking About Estate Planning? Though it’s not fun , if you’re a homeowner it is important to think about what will happen to your home and other assets should the unthinkable happen. Being proactive about estate planning ensures your assets will be distributed the way you want them to be, and not left up to the state to allocate on your behalf. And you’re never too young to start thinking about estate planning. If you or people in your life are in their twenties, here are some things to start thinking about and putting into place for peace of mind, not only for yourself, but for your loved ones, too. • Take stock of your assets: Make a list of the things you own, like your home, cars, jewelry, artwork, bank accounts, retirement accounts (e.g. 401k, IRA), life insurance, etc. • Identify debt: List out everything you owe, including a mortgage, car payments, student loans and other outstanding loans. • Name a guardian: If you have children, you will want to name a guardian who will care for them should you no longer be able to. You’ll want to do the same for your pets, too, to make sure they’re cared for. • Designate your beneficiaries: Formally name your beneficiaries on bank, retirement and investment accounts. • Write a will: This document can be as simple as listing out instructions on how to distribute your assets should anything happen to you.
An estate lawyer or financial planner can help with and answer any questions regarding estate planning, too.
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Go Green This Holiday Season The holidays can generate a lot of joy, and a lot of trash! And that trash may come from unexpected places. According to Oceanic Global, an astounding additional 1 million tons of trash goes to landfills each holiday season, including food, packaging, wrapping paper, bows and ribbons, and shopping bags. Not only that, but the Environmental Capital Group estimates about 5.8 billion pounds of returned items wind up in landfills every year, too.
Brain Teaser… I come in winter. I cannot see, hear, or feel. I can’t eat, but you can eat parts of me. What am I? (See page 4 for the answer.) What’s My Home Worth? If you want to know your home’s current value, I will gladly conduct a Maximum Value Home Audit . Request this “no charge” in -depth home value analysis by calling me at: 805-701-8410 . Help Candles Burn Longer When you find the perfectly scented candle you want it to last forever. These tips will keep your candles burning longer so you can enjoy them even more. Burn the candle for at least four hours the first time you light it so that the top layer of wax melts entirely. This will help with subsequent even burns. Freeze your candle for a couple of hours before lighting — the cold, hard wax will melt slower. Trim the wick before each lighting. After you’ve blown out the candle, sprinkle a pinch of salt and stir into the melted wax to slow burn time. Once the candle has cooled, clean any soot and cover to prevent dust. Store candles away from direct sunlight and drafts, which can cause an uneven burn. Have A Laugh Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it’s too far to walk . Airline Booking Websites Finding the best airfare can be daunting. These websites can help. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
There is good news, however — we can help the Earth by going greener this holiday season.
• Rather than using paper or bags, wrap gifts in a pretty scarf or reusable fabric. • Instead of traditional holiday lights, opt for LED bulbs that use up to 95% less electricity. • Gift memorable experiences instead of material things. • If you’re entertaining, use reusable plates, utensils and tablecloths. • Find a composting option to turn your tree into mulch after the season ends. • Opt to donate unwanted gifts to local charities instead of returning them. • Choose holiday cards printed on recycled paper.
FREE Consumer Help Is Just A Phone Call Away Learn valuable secrets for saving thousands and avoiding costly mistakes when buying, selling or refinancing a home. Best of all, it’s FREE. Ask about my “ Insider’s Free Resources ” by calling me at: 805-701-8410
Declutter — And Ease Your Mind
It happens so quickly: all of a sudden, your home is cluttered and it becomes overwhelming. Rest assured , you’re not alone: one in four Americans has a clutter problem. If you or a friend needs help decluttering their home, I’m here to help! Follow these easy steps and see how decluttering your home can bring order, and ease your mind, too. 1. Create a timeline. Do you want your home to be fully decluttered within a week? A month? Your timeline needs to work for you. 2. Prioritize cluttered areas and tackle one at a time. 3. Clean before you declutter so everyday items are accounted for. 4. Designate five containers for each space: putting away, fixing, recycling, tossing and donating — and then do it! Along the way, congratulate yourself on a job well done . When you’re finished, you’ll likely realize you’re in a better mood, feel a decrease in anxiety, and see increased productivity and focus. – Airfare searches backed by the power of Google. – 100 million travelers a month search the site. – Flight deals delivered into your inbox daily.
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Thanks For Thinking of Me!
“Who Else Wants To Win $75 Gift Card for Lure Restaurant ?”
Did you know I can help you or any of your friends or family save time and money when buying or selling a home? Thanks for keeping me in mind with your referrals…and spreading the word about my services.
Guess who won last month’s Trivia Question? I’m pleased to announce the lucky winner of last month’s quiz. And the winner is …drum roll please: Joel Hyatt of Tarzana. There are two gems, each synonymous with their color, that both happen to be the same mineral. What are they? a) amethyst and ruby b) sapphire and ruby c) emerald and sapphire d) emerald and amethyst
Brain Teaser Answer:
Add A Bit Of Hygge Hygge is a Danish word that essentially means to make your surroundings cozy and comfortable, everything we want in the wintertime. If you want to add some hygge to your life without breaking the bank, I ’ve got some ideas for you.
The answer is b) Sapphire and Ruby
So let’s move on to this month’s trivia question.
How big was the largest snowflake ever recorded, in width? a) 8 inches b) 12 inches c) 15 inches d) 23 inches
Keep your favorite hot tea or coffee on hand so you can fill your favorite mug at a moment’s notice. Create an instrumental music playlist that calms your mind. Snuggle into your favorite sweater or pajamas, fluffy socks and blanket. Light a fire in the fireplace, or replicate the vibe with a mix of candles.
Call Me At 805-701-8410 OR Email Me At And You Could Be One Of My Next Winners!
Real Estate Corner…
Q. A seller offered to finance me. What does that mean to me?
THANK YOU for reading my Service For Life ! ® personal newsletter. I wanted to produce a newsletter that has great content and is fun and valuable to you. Your constructive feedback is always welcome. AND… whether you’re thinking of buying, selling or financing real estate, or just want to stop by and say “Hi,” I’d love to hear from you… Florence Gadbois DRE #01040021 RE/MAX Gold Coast 805-701-8410 Disclaimer: The information contained in this letter is intended for informational purposes. It should not substitute as legal, accounting, investment, medical or other professional services advice. Always seek a competent professional for answers to your specific questions. This letter is not intended to solicit real estate properties currently for sale.
A. This is one of the options you might consider if you want to buy a home but can’t afford a significant down payment. In a “seller take back,” the seller holds a second mortgage for you and becomes your lender for your second trust deed. You would make your monthly mortgage payments for your second trust deed to the seller. Other ways to buy a home with little down include using local or federal government programs, using a tax refund, and asking a relative or friend for a financial gift. Before you do any of the above, consult a professional REALTOR ® about your options. A REALTOR ® also will provide you with direction and connections to a lender and help you avoid costly traps and pitfalls in the home-buying process. For more information on down-payment options, ask for my Free Consumer Report “4 Quick Ways To Buy A Home With Little Down.” I’ll send a copy right to you. Do you have a question related to real estate or home ownership? Please call me at 805-701-8410. Perhaps I’ll feature your question in my next issue!
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Florence’s…. Colony MarketWatch ™ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For The Colony To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”
Active Listings …
Sq. Ft.
Floor Plan
Asking Price
2017 Martinique
$950,000 $950,000
Market Average
Sold Propert ies… (8/01/22 Thru 11/27/23) Address List $ Sale $
Floor Plan
Date Sold
2223 Martinique
$664,050** 1113
Martinique (Phase I)
02/17/23 06/15/23
2212 Martinique 2200 Martinique
$695,000 $769,000
$685,000 $700,000
1113 1627
$615.45 $432.90
Martinique (Phase I)
2143 Martinique
Martinique (Phase I)
12/12/22 01/27/23 05/23/23 10/21/22 08/23/22 08/03/22 11/14/23 05/25/23 09/02/22 08/31/22 03/22/23 12/02/22 02/16/23 04/26/23
1965 Majorca 1905 Majorca
$729,888 $749,000 $739,888 $780,000 $799,000 $795,888 $799,000 $815,000 $849,888 $839,888 $875,000 $949,888 $999,900 $839,000
$725,000 $739,00 $739,888 $750,000 $790,000 $795,888 $799,000 $807,000 $820,000 $840,000 $875,000 $875,888 $884,000 $892,000
1217 1217 1113 1114 1113 1218 1217 1368 1627 1459 1114 1550 2692 1627
$599.74 $607.23 $664.77 $673.25 $709.79 $653.44 $655.99 $589.48 $504.00 $575.74 $785.46 $565.09 $328.38 $548.25
Martinique Martinique
2355 Martinique 2125 Martinique 2305 Martinique 2043 Majorca 4475 Antigua
Martinique (Phase I) Martinique (Phase I)
Martinique (Phase I)
Martinique Martinique
4481 Antigua 2017 Majorca
2227 Martinique 2175 Martinique
Martinique (Phase I)
1931 Majorca
2360 Vina del Mar 2151 Martinique
Costa de Oro
2067 Majorca
06/28/23 07/05/23
4481 Antigua
$895,000 $940,000
$895,000 $940,000
1217 1217
$653.96 $771.76
4726 San Sebastian
Martinique (Ambassador) 10/06/22
1971 Majorca
2263 Martinique
10/27/23 10/21/22 10/27/23
1954 San Tropez 4700 San Sebastian 2214 Cannes Sq
$1,002,000 1628
$615.48 $706.39 $602.23
Capri (Ambassador) Capri (Ambassador)
$1,246,888 $1,150,000 1628 $1,200,000 $1,240,000 2059
San Tropez
2123 Vina del Mar
$1,285,000 $1,250,000 2360
Vina del Mar
2337 Vina del Mar
$1,450,000 $1,300,000 2360
Vina del Mar
04/26/23 08/11/22
2303 Vina del Mar Market Average
$1,989,888 $1,900,000 2360
$805,08 $624.47
Vina del Mar
$ 949,448 $ 928,736
RE/MAX represented buyer, seller or both.
Florence represented buyer, seller or both
**Does not include buyer agent commission
Properties as of November 27, 2023 and may not be listed by RE/MAX. Information herein has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change
Florence’s… MarketWatch ™
“ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For HarborWalk To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”
Active Listings… Address
List $
Sq.Ft Floor Plan
2947 Harbor Blvd
Plan D
Sunset Lane Sunset Lane
$799,000 $829,000 $859,000
1475 1475
Villa Villa
Market Average
Sold Properties (01/01/2022 – 11/27/2023 Address List $ Sale $
Sq.Ft. $/sq.ft
Floor Plan
Date Sold
3033 Harbor 2957 Harbor 3046 Sunset 3134 Sunset 4536 La Brea 4534 LaBrea 2957 Harbor 3140 Sunset 3204 Sunset 2943 Harbor 3225 La Brea 3540 Sunset 3604 Sunset 3224 Sunset
$540,000 $565,000 $595,000 $649,500 $699,000 $699,000 $699,000 $749,000 $850,000 $797,000 $899,000 $900,000 $899,000 $865,000
$532,500 $572,000 $595,000 $620,000 $675,000 $725,000 $690,000 $730,000 $810000 $817,000 $825,000 $850,000 $859,000 $865,000
781 925 925 925
$681.82 $618.38 $643.24 $670.27 $594.71 $638.77 $745.95 $564.14 $606.71 $681.96 $555.56 $576.66 $651.25 $617.42
Plan A Plan C Plan C
06/21/22 03/25/22 10/07/22 02/25/22 11/02/23 08/08/22 02/02/23 08/31/23 10/12/22 03/30/22 11/21/23 06/14/22 02/25/22 08/25/22 03/21/23 06/09/22 03/11/22 05/05/23 06/30/23
Plan C (end unit)
1135 1135
T-3 T-3
Plan C Plan D
1294 1401 1198 1485 1474 1319 1401
Plan D (end unit) Villa (end unit)
T-1 T-2
3131 Harbor
3544 Sunset
$995,000 $999,997
$997,000 $999,997
1474 1489
$676.39 $671.14
3145 Harbor
3125 Harbor Blvd $999,000
3241 Harbor
3380 Sunset
Villa (end unit)
Market Average $637.24 Bold: REMAX Represented Buyers, Sellers or Both $831,033 $803,566
The information referenced has been provided by the Ventura County MLS Corporation’s MLS as of November, 27, 2023. The listings and sales are not exclusive to RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors and may have been represented by others. Display of the MLS data is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed by the MLS and prices are subject to change.
See HarborWalk floor plans at:
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