December 2020


Service For Life !

Insider Tips for Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Living

If you're not already a subscriber to my free e–newsletter e - mail me at to sign up

Florence Gadbois, Realtor CA BRE#01040021 (805) 701 - 8410 E - mail:

Could You Better Protect Your Finances?

Having a rainy-day fund is an important safeguard for everyone, especially during times of economic uncertainty. In today’s Service For Life ! ® Free consumer newsletter, you’ll learn tips to improve your finances, plan for emergencies, and save for that vacation you’ve been meaning to go on!

You’ll also learn about simple things you do every day that could be causing your skin to itch, how to block spam, and creative date ideas – plus fun facts, a trivia challenge, and lots more.

Here are the sales statistics for the Beach/Marina area , which includes Mandalay Shores, Hollywood Beach, Silverstrand Beach, Mandalay Bay, Seabridge, Westport, The Colonyk HarborWalk, HarborWest, CI Waterfront Homes and Harbour Island. Note: Inventory less than 6 months is considered a seller’s market; more than 6 months, a buyer’s.

Closed Escrows

Active Listings

Inventory (months)

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 17 21 21 14 23

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 62 75 70 67 80 2.7 4.02 2.13 4.49 4.14 63 84 53 91 92 3.03 3.95 2.59 3.37 4.68 70 84 63 69 89 3.69 3.9 2.51 4.5 4.68 80 88 60 87 90 3.58 4.72 2.42 5.46 4.9 74 107 54 108 93 3.8 4.99 2.82 6.98 4.29 83 112 70 128 78 4.73 4.19 4.2 7.04 4.38 102 102 97 122 80 5.27 4.26 4.1 6.88 4.05 112 103 92 125 62 5.11 3.82 4.21 7.04 4.78 106 95 95 126 51 5.18 3.83 3.67 6.3 1.5 107 96 81 115 34 4.52 2.4 4.13 5.74 1.8 93 61 87 100 41 4.06 2.45 3.81 4.71


February 14 18 12 15 11


18 34 28 14 17 17 18 19 20 17

April May June July


23 20 31 18

21 44 22 11 22

24 22 15 24



22 30 32 29 32

September 26 29 23 27 45


24 28 16 15 49

November 19 23 19 14 December 22 11 12 22

9 thru 11/18

83 63 79 93

3.64 2.54 3.32 4.3

We sold 2121 Martinique in The Colony is 36 hours , scheduled to close the first week in December and we have 2 great Capri floor plans coming up in The Colony. One is in an eight plex building, the second in a 4-plex with the attached oversized garage and third deck. Please call for more information. Finally, I want you to know, that you may call me for any reason. And please let me know if a friend, family member or neighbor needs a caring, competent real estate professional to help in buying or selling. I truly appreciate your friendship and referrals. Enjoy your issue!

Warmest regards, Florence

Florence Gadbois CA DRE#01040021 RE/MAX Gold Coast

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:


Service For Life ! “Insider Tips For Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Living…”

Here’s free advice if you’re buying or re-financing your home. It’s my Free Consumer Guide titled, “7 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Financing Your Home.” Call me at 805-701-8410 to get a copy

Protect Finances From Volatility

It’s always important to protect your finances, in good times and especially in volatile times. Here are ways to get started now:

December 2020 Oxnard, California

• Monitor and improve your credit score : In the U.S., you get a free credit report each year at . Also, offers free credit scores and helpful tips and insights to help you manage your credit. This is critical for those buying houses because your credit score may influence mortgages made available to you. • Review your spending : A budget is a great tool for monitoring cash flow. You can review where you’re spending your money and where you have an opportunity to save. For example, streaming services and subscriptions pile up quickly. Take a reality check and list all monthly charges, then sort through them to cut extra spending. • Make a savings plan : Do you put money aside each month into a savings account? If you do, do you assign a job for it? Research shows that those who know what they’re saving for are more likely to fulfill their savings goals. Save for specific goals to stay motivated. • Have a rainy-day plan : In addition to a savings fund, it is helpful to always have a backup plan for bringing in extra cash. Think about a side- hustle, like freelance writing, or items you can sell online. You may even decide to sell arts and crafts online if you have a special artistic talent. Don’t underestimate your skills and money-earning potential. • Don’t bury your head in the sand : If you lose your job, or are left suddenly out of work for illness, don’t avoid the situation and potential impact on your finances. Take swift action : Prioritize which bills need to be paid first and call providers and explain the situation. Most service companies will work with customers to pay bills at a lower monthly amount — they prefer this than nothing at all. Then you’ll save the late charges and potential to cut off services to your home. • Work with a financial advisor : Once you’ve completed these tasks, check-in with an advisor and find out if you’re spending money smartly. They’ll help to identify opportunities for improvement. Save Thousands When Buying A Home… Did you know there’s a free consumer report revealing ways to save time and money when buying a home? It’s called “ 8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Finding and Buying Your Next Home ,” and it’s great even if you’re not planning to buy soon. Get your free copy by calling me at…805-70-18410

Inside This Issue…

Protect Your Finances …Page 1

6 Steps To Block Those Annoying Spam Calls…Page 2

Remedies To Alleviate Itchy Skin…Page 3

Creative Date Ideas…Page 3

Answer This Trivia Question and You Could Win $75 Gift Card for Lure Restaurant...Page 4 What Options Do I Have If I Am Struggling With My House Payments?...Page 4

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:

Word of the Month… Studies have shown your income and wealth are directly related to the size and depth of your vocabulary. Here is this month’s word, so you can impress your friends (and maybe even fatten your wallet!)… Whitelist (wite-list) Noun or verb Meaning: The practice of allowing access to things/services like an email or website, or the list of allowed entities itself (noun). The opposite of blacklist. Sample Sentence: I whitelisted your email address so that I always receive your emails. Cruising Into Retirement Like other vehicles, cruise ships have a lifespan — typically 30 years in this case. But then what happens to them? Some ships are sold to other cruise companies and are given a new lease of life on their fleet. Most are decommissioned and scrapped. In fact, the largest scrap yard in the world is in Alang, India, where 50 percent of cruise ships go when they’ve been decommissioned. Ships rest on the beach as they are slowly dismantled. Is Popcorn Really Healthy? It depends. If it is not drenched in butter, popcorn is a healthy treat. A recent study found that it contains polyphenols (a compound found in plants) that reduces inflammation and may even help fight cancer. Quotes To Live By… “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” –William Arthur Ward, writer Have A Chuckle… Q: What do snowmen order at restaurants? A: An iceberg-er and fries!

How To Block Spam Calls Those unwanted and annoying spam calls seem to get more sophisticated and harder to detect, using local numbers or spoofing your own phone number. Even if you hang up immediately or unsubscribe, they still seem to call back. A recent estimate placed the number of spam calls in 2019 at over 50 billion! Here’s a quick how-to to help stop (or at least reduce) spam calls: 1. Block numbers one-at-a-time. This is a helpful solution if it is the same number calling repeatedly. Search your phone model online plus “how to block phone numbers.” 2. Work with your carrier. Some mobile providers have software that stops or filters these calls. AT&T uses Call Protect, Verizon Wireless uses Call Filter, and T-Mobile uses Scam Shield and Scam Block. 3. Add your number to the Do Not Call Registry. Visit to add yourself to the list that telemarketers are supposed to honor. 4. Use the phone’s software. Whether you have an Android or iPhone, they both have Do Not Disturb functions that allow you to block all calls, unless they are from contacts saved in your phone. Check your user’s guide (or online) for instructions. 5. Block calls on your landline. You can buy a call-blocking device that stops unwanted calls and diverts others to voicemail. Some of these devices have a blacklist of problem numbers that you can add numbers to as well. 6. Register a complaint with the FTC. While the FTC might not follow up every complaint, they do monitor which companies are annoying and scamming customers. They have been known to shut down some of these spammers, too. Report unwanted calls to . Have you Seen our On-line Version Check It Out! Go to: Would like to receive the newsletter each month in your Inbox? Send your email address to

“There are no strangers here, only friends you haven’t met.”

–William Butler Yeats, poet

“If you want your children to listen, try talking softly to someone else.” –Ann Landers, advice columnist

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:

How To Alleviate Itchy Skin

Brain Teaser… No matter how much you use me, you change me every month. What am I? (See page 4 for the answer.) What’s My Home Worth? If you want to know your home’s current value, I will gladly conduct a Maximum Value Home Audit . Request this “no charge” in-depth home value analysis by calling me at: 805-701- 8410 . Top Tips To Reduce Stress ▪ Meditate. Try a site like to make it easy. ▪ Take scheduled breaks throughout the workday. Try setting a reminder on your phone. Create to-do lists and list only three priorities at a time. Practice relaxation techniques and breathing. ▪ ▪ Water with a 1:3 hydrogen peroxide and water solution. Use a granular or liquid pesticide. Apply aquarium gravel or sand to the top of every plant, covering the soil so the gnats can’t lay eggs. Meditation Websites & Apps To help reduce stress levels, try these websites with access to hundreds of free pre-recorded meditations. – Described as the number 1 free app for sleep, anxiety and stress. You can download the app or go to the website to find meditations. – This Australian site is specifically for supporting kids’ mental health. – Developed by the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA, this app provides many recorded meditations in English and Spanish. 2. 3. ▪ Drink lots of water regularly throughout the day. ▪ Set a time during the morning or evening (or both) to take a device- free walk in a beautiful area. Get Rid Of Plant Gnats These pesky flies seem to multiply around houseplants. Here are three remedies that work (choose one): 1.

Winter skin or stress? We all get itches, but you may be surprised at what is causing the annoyance.

Causes of itchy skin : The everyday causes are more common than you might think. Extreme temperatures, air conditioning or dry environments, dust, stress, hot showers, and chemical sunscreens are all skin irritants. Solutions : It’s helpful to know what you’re reacting to, first. For hot showers, instead take a warm shower and then apply moisturizer. Avoid extreme temperatures at home and work, vacuum and dust surfaces (especially blinds and curtains, which are culprits of collecting dust) regularly — even better, buy an air purifier to take dust particles out of the air. Use natural sunscreens without chemicals and try to manage stress levels effectively.

FREE Consumer Help Is Just A Phone Call Away

DID YOU KNOW … Unlike most real estate agents, I DON’T spend my time pestering people with phone calls or bothersome interruptions to find good clients. Instead, I dedicate 110% of my time and energies to providing such outstanding service, people naturally think of me when a friend or family member needs help buying or selling a home. THANKS for your referrals!

Learn valuable secrets for saving thousands and avoiding costly mistakes when buying, selling or refinancing a home. Best of all, it’s FREE. Ask about my “ Insider’s Free Resources ” by calling me at: 805-701-8410

Creative Date Ideas Trying to keep a relationship fun can be costly, especially in the early days. Impressing someone new with fancy dinners or tickets to see live music can be expensive. Here are some ideas to keep the magic alive, while sticking to a budget: • Go out for breakfast: you can have dates at any time of day. Plus, breakfasts are considerably cheaper than going out for dinner. • Fix a picnic and watch the sunset together in a park. You can save money making your own food rather than takeout, too. • Go to an open mic night. You still get the thrill of getting dressed up and going out together, but without the cost of expensive venue tickets. • Enjoy a hike together! What better way to get to know someone than walking together? • Go to a You-Pick. Whether it’s summer or fall, you can still pick for two full seasons: berries in the summer and apples and pumpkins in the fall. • Cook a special dinner together. Just because you’re not going out doesn’t mean you can’t eat a delicious meal together. Why not try a new recipe, too?

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:

Thanks For Thinking of Me!

“Who Else Wants To Win $75 Gift Card for Lure Restaurant?”

Did you know I can help you or any of your friends or family save time and money when buying or selling a home? Thanks for keeping me in mind with your referrals…and spreading the word about my services.

Guess who won last month’s Trivia Question? I’m pleased to announce the lucky winner of last month’s quiz. And the winner is…drum roll please: Michael Davis the lucky winner.. The Czech word for “forced labor” is the root of which of these technology terms? a) Computer b) Robot c) Android or d) Monitor The answer is b) Robot – The word is “robota,” which a Czech playwright turned into the word we all know today, “robot,” in 1920. To Enter this month’s drawing, answer this month’s trivia question Who was the first female singer inducted twice to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? a) Aretha Franklin b) Pink c) Mariah Carey d) Stevie Nicks

Brain Teaser Answer: A calendar

Tips For Restful Sleep Experts say you should aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to keep you energized throughout the day. To promote restful sleep try to: • Turn off devices one hour before bed • Use the do not disturb function on your phone for 10 hours each night Don’t watch TV in your bedroom Ensure your bedroom is cool to promote a restful sleep – waking up feeling hot is a cause of restlessness Limit exposure to bright lights before bed by turning off the TV and lowering the brightness on other devices. Competitive Art Did you know that between the years 1912 and 1948 the Olympic Games awarded art medals? According to the Smithsonian Magazine , medals were awarded for sculpture, painting, music and architecture. THANK YOU for reading my Service For Life ! ® personal newsletter. I wanted to produce a newsletter that has great content and is fun and valuable to you. Your constructive feedback is always welcome. AND… whether you’re thinking of buying, selling or financing real estate, or just want to stop by and say “Hi,” I’d love to hear from you… Florence Gadbois CA DRE#01040021 805-701-8410 • Disclaimer: The information contained in this letter is intended for informational purposes. It should not substitute as legal, accounting, investment, medical or other professional services advice. Always seek a competent professional for answers to your specific questions. This letter is not intended to solicit real estate properties currently for sale. • •

Call Me At 805-701-8410 OR Email Me At And You Could Be One Of My Next Winners!

Real Estate Corner… Q. What other options do I have besides refinancing my home loan if I’m struggling to make payments?

A. If you’re “underwater” on payments, you may decide to move out of your home. Here are some options to consider:

• Rent the property. This will help you make your monthly mortgage payments but you’ll still pay for maintenance on your property. • Do a short sale. This involves selling your home for less than you owe on the loan. The bank may forgive the difference between what you owe and the final sales price the buyer pays. • Do a Deed-in-lieu of Foreclosure. You give your home back to the lender in exchange for forgiveness of the mortgage. You may still have to pay the difference between what the bank sells the home for and what you still owe, plus legal fees. Many banks won’t consider this until a short sale has been attempted. Before you do anything, talk to an expert about your problem, including a REALTOR ® , a foreclosure counselor, a tax expert, a credit counselor and/or an attorney. To learn about more options for struggling homeowners, call and ask for my Free Consumer Report called “10 Options To Avoid Foreclosure.” I’ll send a copy right to you.

Do you have a question related to real estate or home ownership? Please call me at 805-701-8410 Perhaps I’ll feature your question in my next issue!

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:

Florence’s…. Colony MarketWatch ™

Homes Currently Active …




Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

2242 Martinique




Martinique (Phase I)

$619,000 $620,000 $1,550,888 $929,962


2 2

2 2

1459 1766

Antigua (Phase I) Capri (Ambassador)

San Sebastian

Market Average

Homes Accepting Back Up Offers… Address



Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price


2 2

2 2

1368 1628


$699,999 $829,888

San Tropez circle Market Average

Capri (Ambassador


Sale Pending…

Address Antigua



Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan Martinique

Asking Price

2 2

2 2

1217 1368


2121 Martinique


$689,000 $1,050,000 $787,963

Cannes Square




San Tropez

Market Average

Sold Properties… (01/01/20 Thru 11/19/20) Address List $ Sale $



Floor Plan

Date Sold 02/05/20 01/03/20 03/02/20 01/28/20 06/24/20 07/02/20 04/13/20 01/03/20 07/10/20 07/29/20

2067 San Sebastian

$579,888 $535,888 $539,888 $539,000 $539,000 $545,000 $587,900 $599,888 $595,000 $619,888 $624,888 $629,888 $639,888 $650,000 $648,888 $679,888 $655,000

$515,000 $518,000 $525,000 $525,000 $530,000 $547,500 $570,000 $590,000 $595,000 $605,000 $624,888 $625,000 $635,000 $635,000 $650,000 $650,000 $655,000

1218 1217 1217 1368 1217 1368 1368 1368 1368 1368 1218 1807 1218 1368 1368 1217 1368

$422.82 $425.64 $431.39 $383.77 $435.50 $400.22 $416.67 $431.29 $434.94 $441.93 $513.04 $348.58 $521.35 $464.18 $475.15 $558.20 $478.80

Martinique (Ambassador

2055 Majorca 4405 Antigua

Martinique Martinique

2103 Martinique


1955 Majorca


2365 Martinique

Madeira Madeira Madeira

4413 Antigua

2204 Martinique 2206 Martinique 1936 San Tropez 1947 Sana Tropez 4687 San Sebastian 2007 San Tropez 4492 Antigua Way

Madeira (upper level)

Madeira (Ambassador)

Martinique (Ambassador) 10/06/20



Martinique (Ambassador) 09/18/20


07/22/20 08/17/20

4415 Antigua


2067 San Sebastian 2363 Martinique

Martinique (Ambassador) 07/10/20



2021 Majorca







2177 Martinique






07/23/20 10/30/20

2386 Martinique 4477 Antigua

$689,888 $710,000

$690,000 $725,000

1459 1550

$472.93 $467.74

Antigua Antigua


4742 San Sebastian





Madeira (Ambassador)


2345 Vina del Mar





Costa de Oro

05/01/20 01/03/20 09/17/20

2123 Vina del Mar 2323 Vina del Mar Market Average

$1,125,888 $1,050,000 2360 $1,149,888 $1,050,000 2360

$444.92 $444.92 $447.86

Vina del Mar Vina del Mar



RE/MAX represented buyer, seller or both . Properties as of November 19, 2020 and may not be listed by RE/MAX. Information herein has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change


MarketWatch ™ “ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For HarborWalk To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”

Active Properties… None

Properties Accepting Back Up Offers … None

Sold Properties (01/01/2020 – 11/30/2020 Address List $ Sale $

Sq.Ft. $/sq.ft

Floor Plan

Date Sold

3110 Harbor





Plan C (end unit)

08/17/20 07/07/20 05/13/20 09/03/20 11/18/20 06/16/20 07/20/20 07/31/20 10/08/20 11/16/20 02/28/20 10/20/20

2935 Harbor 3142 Sunset 3644 Sunset 3120 Sunset 3034 Sunset 4506 LaBrea 2967 Harbor 3480 Sunset 3320 Sunset 3340 Sunset 3125 Harbor

$474,900 $599,000 $639,500 $642,000 $649,000 $675,000 $649,000 $669,000 $749,900 $729,000 $850,000 $648,666

$474,900 $580,000 $625,000 $625,550 $630,000 $635,000 $642,000 $660,000 $725,000 $729,000 $850,000 $636,787


$513.41 $448.22 $424.02 $522.16 $525,88 $430.80 $535.89 $500.38 $488.22 $490.91 $570.85 $496.12

Plan C Plan D

1294 1474 1198 1198 1474 1198 1319 1485 1485 1489


Plan D Plan D


Plan D (end unit)


Villa (end unit) Villa (end unit) Villa (end unit)

Market Average

Bold: REMAX Represented Buyers, Sellers or Both

The information referenced has been provided by the Ventura County MLS Corporation’s MLS as of November 30, 2020. The listings and sales are not exclusive to RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors and may have been represented by others. Display of the MLS data is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed by the MLS and prices are subject to change.

HarborWalk floor plans are available at:


MarketWatch ™ “ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For Harbour Island To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”

Homes Currently Active … Address



Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

Emerald Isle

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

1937 2164 2164 2164

Plan A (Avalon) Plan B (Balboa) Plan B (Balboa) Plan B (Balboa)

$874,000 $899,000 $4929,000 $975,000 $919,250

Pearl Way

Harbour Island Emerald Isle

Market Average

Homes Accepting Back Up Offers … Address Bdrms Baths

Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

Emerald Isle




Plan B (Balboa)

$1,099,000 $1,099,000

Market Average

Pending Properties … Address



Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

1703 Pearl Way Market Average




Plan B (Balboa)

$999,000 $999,000

Sold Properties (01/01/20 Thru 11/30/20) Address List $ Sale $

Sq.Ft. $/sq.ft

Floor Plan

Date Sold 03/26/2020 03/11/2020 11/06/2020 01/13/2020 08/11/2020 07/14/2020 09/11/2020 07/10/2020 8/19/2020 09/29/2020 07/27/2020 10/27/2020

1747 Emerald Isle 1737 Emerald Isle 4206 Harbour Island 1748 Emerald Isle 4216 Harbour Island 4241 Harbour Island 1706 Emerald Isle 1727 Emeral Isle

$779,000 $865,000 $$849,000 $850,000 $869,000 $899,000 $885,000 $935,000 $939,000 $974,900 $995,000

$720,000 $810,000 $849,000 $850,000 $865,000 $875,000 $875,000 $905,000 $920,000 $974,900 $975,000

1937 2164 2164 2164 1937 1937 1937 2164 1937 2164 2164

$371.71 $399.72 $392.33 $392.79 $446.57 $451.73 $451.73 $432.07 $474.96 $450.51 $450.55 $536.28 $447.98

Plan A (Avalon) Plan B (Balboa) Plan B (Balboa) Plan B (Balboa) Plan A (Avalon) Plan A (Avalon) Plan A (Avalon) Plan B (Balboa) Plan A (Avalon) Plan B (Balboa) Plan B (Balboa) Plan B (Balboa)

1727 Pearl Way 1737 Pearl Way

4222 Harbour Island 1703 Emerald Isle 1712 Emerald Isle Market Average

$1,179,000 $1,160,500 2164 $1,825,000 $1,800,000 4018

Plan D (Mel Mar) 06/23/2020

$1,102,354 $1,051,818 $428.10 Bold: REMAX Represented Buyers, Sellers or Both

The information referenced has been provided by the Ventura County MLS Corporation’s MLS as of November. 30, 2020. The listings and sales are not exclusive to RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors and may have been represented by others. Display of the MLS data is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed by the MLS and prices are subject to change.

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