August 2023
Service For Life !
Insider Tips for Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Living
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Florence Gadbois, Realtor CA DRE#01040021 (805) 701 - 8410 E - mail:
Could You Be Saving Money On Everyday Purchases?
Being strategic about how you shop could end up saving you a lot of money. But what’s the best way to bargain? In today’s Service For Life ! ® Free consumer newsletter, you’ll learn tips to negotiate purchases so that you make the most informed decision and get the best deal.
You’ll also learn about risks you might be taking with your sunscreen, how you could be devaluing your home, and how to fact-check the news – plus fun facts, a trivia challenge, and lots more.
Here are the Sales Statistics for the Beach Marina Area, which includes : Mandalay Shores, Hollywood Beach, Silverstrand Beach, Seabridge, Westport, Mandalay Bay, Harbour Island, Port Marluna, The Colony, HarborWalk, HarborWest, C.I. Waterfront Homes
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
January February
14 23 20 13 14 15 11 13 13 20 14 17 20 27 16 20 17 18 23 10 18 8 22 20 11 11 22 34 26 15
67 80 22 21 22 4.49 4.14 1.19 0.92 1.48 91 92 23 21 26 3.37 4.68 1.55 0.53 1.54
69 89 17 12 28
4.5 4.68 0.53 0.92 1.83
April May June
87 90 14 22 30 5.46 4.9 0.86 0.88 2.1 108 93 29 21 34 6.98 4.29 1 1.27 2.27 128 78 28 30 35 7.04 4.38 0.62 1.86 2.55 122 80 18 47 37 6.88 4.05 1.23 1.69
24 46 30 17 29 32 28 19 27 45 27 14 15 49 26 16 14 19 25 7 22 29 18 15
13 thru 7/28
125 62 34 37 126 51 20 35 115 34 16 37 100 41 20 39 93 32 21 33
7.04 4.78 0.73 1.65 6.3 1.5 0.62 1.85 5.74 1.8 0.9 2.03 4.71 1.23 0.875 2.19 4.3 0.89 0.897 1.26
November December
I just listed a great capri floor plan in The Colony with Air Conditioning. Asking $979,000 and representing the buyers on a townhome purchase. Just closed escrow in HarborWalk on a T-2 for $859,000.
I want you to know, that you may call me for any reason. And please let me know if a friend, family member or neighbor needs a caring, experienced real estate professional to help in buying or selling. I truly appreciate your friendship and referrals. Enjoy your issue!
Warmest regards, Florence
Florence Gadbois DRE #01040021 Re/MAX Gold Coast
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Florence ’ s …
Service For Life ! “Insider Tips For Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Living…” Bargain Like A Pro Believe it or not, bargaining isn’t just reserved for buying items at a local yard sale – it is a skill that can be deployed with much more expensive items, too, like cellphones, insurance, cars, and even homes. The trick is to be strategic about how you tackle a negotiation. Here are the top “dos and don’ts” of haggling for the best bargain: Do • Market research : Before making an offer, do your research. If you’re buying a car, for example, look around the dealerships online first to research the market rate. Vehicles with the most variable prices mean the opportunity is ripe for bargaining. However, don’t assume that a c ar that is the same model or similar should be the exact same price. Specifications vary and a car with more features will probably be more expensive. • Be polite : You can still be strategic and bargain, while respecting the sales and marketing tactics of a salesperson. Going in too low initially might be considered disrespectful. • Scale your offer : Consider the negotiation as a ladder. The bottom rung is the offer you know you won’t end up paying but is more of a starting point. Then you can find a middle point based on how much you are willing to pay and how far the salesperson is prepared to reduce their price. • Be prepared to cut your losses : Determine how much you are willing to pay before entering a negotiation and stick to it. • Bring a friend : Having an objective third party who knows your budget is helpful when bargaining. They can help you stick to your boundaries and remind you not to overpay. Don’t • Overpay : You should always shop around before haggling. • Act hastily : Avoid rushing to make decisions or getting easily swayed by the person selling. Remember, this is their job, so they are good at it. If you find yourself considering going higher than your budget allows take time to consider if that is something you really want, or if you’re getting lured in by sales tactics in the heat of the moment. Use your backup friend to help rein you in if needed! How To Get Top Dollar Selling Your Home... If you’re thinking about selling your home soon, request my Free Consumer Guide, “ 7 Insider Tips To Net More Money Selling Your Own Home .” This report will be your secret weapon to maximize the net profits from the sale of your home. You can get a free copy by calling me at… 805-701 8410
WARNING: Don’t even think of selling your home without my Free Consumer Guide titled, “How To Avoid 7 Costly
Mistakes When Selling Your Home.” Call me right now at 805-701-8410 to learn more…
August 2023 Oxnard, California
Inside This Issue…
Dos A nd Don’ts Of Bargaining …Page 1
Learn How To Fact-Check News …Page 2
Are Your Sunscreen Skills Lacking ?…Page 3
Things That Could Lower The Value Of Your Home…Page 3
Answer This Trivia Question And You Could Win $75 Gift Carad for Lure Restaurant...Page 4 Can I Use A Financial Gift As A Down Payment On A Home? ...Page 4
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Word Of The Month… Studies have shown your income and wealth are directly related to the size and depth of your vocabulary. Here is this month’s word, so you can impress your friends (and maybe even fatten your wallet!)…
Check Your News
I t can be tough to tell what’s real and what’s not. Choose the best methods for fact-checking info you find online, with these top tips:
➢ Check the source : is the source of the article social media, or a legitimate news outlet? Social media tends to be a sea of unreliable information from dubious sources. See below for verifying information. ➢ Listen to your gut : what does your instinct tell you about the news? If you’re experiencing a strong emotional reaction, that could be because the news has been sensationalized and may be fake. ➢ Do your research : websites like or are great resources to verify the legitimacy of news and call out fake reporting. ➢ Look for objectivity : journalists are supposed to adhere to strict standards of reporting, upheld by the Associated Press, which includes verifying any claims, providing both sides of a story, and reporting when information is yet to be confirmed by using phrases like “we have received an unverified report of…” ➢ Consider the author : is the writer a journalist, or a member of the public? Self-reports are subjective and focused on opinion. Reporters may include public opinion, but they also are trained to report on facts. You can also check the legitimacy of the writer by checking Google or reviewing their social media accounts. If you see a trend of one-sided, or sensationalist reporting, then its likely the information you are verifying is unreliable. Similarly, political ads are designed to provoke people and lean heavily towards the values of the party they represent, which also makes them unreliable. ➢ Fact-check : look for other articles from legitimate news outlets that confirm the story. Even if a story goes viral, it doesn’t mean it is accurate or reliable.
Enervate (en-er-vate) verb
Meaning: To reduce the strength of
Sample Sentence: The weight of a cap and gown in a summer graduation ceremony enervated most of the students and they needed to go home early. Tech Tips For Today • Use AI (artificial intelligence). ChatGPT ( ) is a tool that you can train. Need a reference for a paper? Ask “Give me five references talk about (your topic) in APA style. In about 20 seconds, you’ll have your list. Be sure to verify the sources. Consider a password manager , like , which is a secure site that safely stores all of your passcodes. Clean up your phone. Apps you don’t use, items saved on the device rather than iCloud, all impact your phone’s performance. Update your devices . Selecting automatic updates reduces potential security risks, improves performance, and makes things easier to use by fixing bugs. Quotes To Live By… “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” – Michael Altshuler, Entrepreneur “Be courageous. Challenge orthodoxy. Stand up for what you believe in. When you are in your rocking chair talking to your grandchildren many years from now, be sure you have a good story to tell.” – Amal Clooney, Human Rights Lawyer “Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put some sunglasses on.” – Lady Gaga, Singer • • •
Just Updated the website with a fresh new look!
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Are You Doing Sunscreen Right? According to dermatologists, while many people may be good at applying sunscreen before going outside, most of us apply less than 50 percent of the amount necessary and we omit parts of the body. Experts advise that you need about a shot glass full of sunscreen for your whole body, including commonly missed areas, such as: scalp, lips, ears, neck, chest, feet, and eyelids. These are all areas that are at risk for skin cancer. Doctors also recommend using an SPF 30 or higher and to apply it 15 minutes before going outside. You’ll need to reapply sunscreen for every two hours in the sun. Consider wearing sun protective clothing, including a hat and glasses with UV protection. In terms of what kind of sunscreen to buy, and based on recent reports of toxic chemicals in sunscreen, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating the safety of 12 ingredients contained within certain chemical sunscreens — such as oxybenzone, and octisalate. However, the FDA has not stated they are unsafe and recommends the use of sunscreen to avoid skin cancer. If you are concerned about ingredients, you may want to opt for a mineral sunscreen that contain the ingredients zinc oxide or titanium oxide, which are physical sun blockers and sit on the surface of the skin to deflect harmful rays. Here’s A Free, Valuable Resource… Now You Can Search The Home Market, Get Helpful Community Information, AND Receive Important Resources For Saving Time And Money When Buying Or Selling At
Brain Teaser… A person is 15 years old in 1990. In 1995, that same person is 10 years old. How? (See page 4 for the answer.) What’s My Home Worth? If you want to know your home’s current value, I will gladly conduct a Maximum Value Home Audit . Request this “no charge” in -depth home value analysis by calling me at: 805-701 8410 . 3 Ways To Save An Emergency Fund While homeownership may save you money by building equity, it can be expensive. Here are three ways to save an emergency fund, without sacrificing your quality of life: 1. Skip one takeout meal a month and put the money into your savings instead. 2. Automatically transfer $100 a month into savings, just like a utility bill. 3. Opt for Energy Star appliances and windows when making upgrades to take advantages of energy rebates. Have A Laugh Why was Cinderella a terrible football player? Because she kept leaving the ball behind! Did You Know? You may think that humans are napping machines — OK, maybe babies — but did you know that snails can nap for as long as three years? You do now. Brain-Smart Websites Here are three websites to keep your cognition sharp: – A site full of free puzzles, trivia, games, puzzles, and more. – Staying Sharp is a program that promotes brain health through healthy habits, challenges, cognitive assessments, and more. – Generates random trivia questions to test and strengthen long-term memory.
Things That Make Your Home Look Scattered
Designing the décor of your home is more of an art than you might think. Design experts warn that there are certain decorative choices that can risk making your home look cheap. It isn’t necessarily about the monetary value of materia l possessions, though, it’s more about being intentional with your planning and the purpose of things. Experts say to avoid oversized sofas, clutter, the wrong sized rug, mass produced decorative word art, flatpack furniture, inconsistent flooring, poor quality lighting, too much furniture, and matching everything in a room. Instead, practice a less-is-more approach. Declutter! Use pictures of friends and family or locally produced art and choose appropriately sized rugs. A good rule of thumb when buying a rug is that it needs to be big enough to touch some of each of the main pieces of furniture in a room like all the feet of the bed, or both sofa and coffee table.
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Thanks For Thinking of Me!
“Who Else Wants To Win $75 Gift Card for Lure Restaurant ?” Guess who won last month’s Trivia Question? I’m pleased to announce the lucky winner of last month’s quiz. And the winner is …drum roll please: Berneice Reed of Thousand Oaks. In the U.S., you’d “knock on wood” for good luck. In what country do carp scales represent similar good fortune? a) Poland b) Japan c) Madagascar d) Jamaica The answer is a) Poland. The tradition is to eat carp on Christmas Eve, saving some of the fish scales for good luck through the coming year. The practice is also common in nearby Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Did you know I can help you or any of your friends or family save time and money when buying or selling a home? Thanks for keeping me in mind with your referrals…and spreading the word about my services. Brain Teaser Answer: The person was born in 2005 B.C. So they were 5 years old in 2000 B.C, 10 in 1995 B.C, and 15 in 1990 B.C. Cool Your Home Passively There are some steps you can take to keep your house cooler, without cranking up the AC: • Open windows in the morning to let cool air circulate. Close them as soon as it starts to get warm. • Add bamboo shades to the external windows to reduce the sun heating up inside your home. Close your blinds/curtains during the day and use a fan to circulate air. Open windows again at dusk to circulate cooler air into the home. Seal any gaps in the windows and doors to ensure drafts from warm air don’t come in. AC Hack: position a bowl of ice water in front of a window fan for a cooling mist. THANK YOU for reading my Service For Life ! ® personal newsletter. I wanted to produce a newsletter that has great content and is fun and valuable to you. Your constructive feedback is always welcome. AND… whether you’re thinking of buying, selling or financing real estate, or just want to stop by and say “Hi,” I’d love to hear from you… Florence Gadbois DRE #01040021 RE/MAX Gold Coast 805-701-8410 • • • Disclaimer: The information contained in this letter is intended for informational purposes. It should not substitute as legal, accounting, investment, medical or other professional services advice. Always seek a competent professional for answers to your specific questions. This letter is not intended to solicit real estate properties currently for sale. •
So let ’s move on to this month’s trivia question.
In which film did Hugh Grant recall these wise words of Beethoven? “Is her instrument quite what it was? Perhaps not. But as Beethoven said, a few wrong notes may be forgiven, but singing without feeling cannot.”
a) Notting Hill b) Love Actually c) Florence Foster Jenkins d) Four Weddings and a Funeral.
Call Me At 805-701-8410 OR Email Me At And You Could Be One Of My Next Winners!
Real Estate Corner…
Q. Can I use a financial gift from a friend or relative as a down payment on buying a home?
A. Yes. In fact, one out of four first-time homebuyers uses a gift to make the down payment.
Tax law allows gifts of up to $17,000 a year in 2023 without tax consequences to the giver or recipient. (The amount is adjusted annually so search for “gift tax” for the current figure.) You could get a gift from two parents or two friends (for $34,000) without paying a gift tax. Using a gift for a down payment helps you buy a home even if it’s not Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-approved. The best advice is to contact a knowledgeable REALTOR ® and discuss this subject before you start looking for homes.
For more information, ask for my Free Consumer Report called “4 Quick Ways To Buy A Home With Little Down.” I’ll send a copy right to you.
Do you have a question you want answered? Feel free to call me at 805-701 8410 . Perhaps I’ll feature your que stion in my next issue!
Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site:
Florence’s…. Colony MarketWatch ™ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For The Colony To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”
Homes Currently Active …
Bdrms Baths Sq. Ft.
Floor Plan
Asking Price
4407 Antigua
$ 897,500
1971 Majorca
$ 979,000 $1,299,888 $1,058,796
San Sebastian
Capri (Ambassador)
Market Average
Properties Accepting Back Up Offers … Address
Sq. Ft.
Floor Plan
Asking Price
Vina del Mar
Vina del Mar
$1,285,000 $1,285,000
Market Average
Sold Propert ies… (7/01/22 Thru 7/28/23) Address List $
Sale $
Floor Plan
Date Sold
2223 Martinique
$664,050** 1113
Martinique (Phase I)
02/17/23 06/15/23
2212 Martinique 2200 Martinique
$695,000 $769,000
$685,000 $700,000
1113 1627
$615.45 $432.90
Martinique (Phase I)
2143 Martinique
Martinique (Phase I)
12/12/22 01/27/23 05/23/23 10/21/22 08/23/22 08/03/22 05/25/23 09/02/22 08/31/22 03/22/23 12/02/22 02/16/23 04/26/23
1965 Majorca 1905 Majorca
$729,888 $749,000 $739,888 $780,000 $799,000 $799,000 $815,000 $849,888 $839,888 $875,000 $949,888 $999,900 $839,000
$725,000 $739,00 $739,888 $750,000 $790,000 $799,000 $807,000 $820,000 $840,000 $875,000 $875,888 $884,000 $892,000
1217 1217 1113 1114 1113 1217 1368 1627 1459 1114 1550 2692 1627
$599.74 $607.23 $664.77 $673.25 $709.79 $655.99 $589.48 $504.00 $575.74 $785.46 $565.09 $328.38 $548.25 $653.96 $771.76 $615.48 $602.23 $548.25
Martinique Martinique
2355 Martinique 2125 Martinique 2305 Martinique 4475 Antigua
Martinique (Phase I) Martinique (Phase I)
Martinique (Phase I)
4481 Antigua 2017 Majorca
2227 Martinique 2175 Martinique
Martinique (Phase I)
1931 Majorca
2360 Vina del Mar 2151 Martinique
Costa de Oro
2067 Majorca
06/28/23 07/05/23
4481 Antigua
$895,000 $940,000
$895,000 $940,000
1217 1217
4726 San Sebastian
Martinique (Ambassador) 10/06/22
1954 San Tropez 2214 Cannes Sq
$1,002,000 1628
Capri (Ambassador)
$1,200,000 $1,240,000 2059
San Tropez
2337 Vina del Mar
$1,450,000 $1,300,000 2360
Vina del Mar
04/26/23 08/11/22
2303 Vina del Mar 2315 Vina del Mar
$1,989,888 $1,900,000 2360 $1,999,000 $1,900,000 2139
$805,08 $888.27
Vina del Mar San Tropez
$ 949,448 $ 928,736
Market Average
RE/MAX represented buyer, seller or both.
Florence represented buyer, seller or both
**Does not include buyer agent commission Properties as of July 28, 2023 and may not be listed by RE/MAX. Information herein has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change
Florence’s… MarketWatch ™
“ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For HarborWalk To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”
Active Listings… Address
List $
Sq.Ft Floor Plan
Sunset Lane Harbor Blvd 3225 Harbor
$749,000 $949,000 $1,049,000 $1,174,900 $ 980,475
Plan D Plan D
Villa (end unit) Villa (end unit)
Sunset Lane
Market Average
Properties Accepting Back Up Offers … Address List $
Sq.Ft Floor Plan
Sunset Lane
$1,177,000 $1,177,000
Villa (end unit)
Market Average
Sold Properties (01/01/2022 – 07/28/2023 Address List $ Sale $
Sq.Ft. $/sq.ft
Floor Plan
Date Sold
2957 Harbor 3046 Sunset 3134 Sunset 4534 LaBrea 2957 Harbor 3204 Sunset 2943 Harbor 3540 Sunset 3604 Sunset 3224 Sunset
$565,000 $595,000 $649,500 $699,000 $699,000 $850,000 $797,000 $900,000 $899,000 $865,000
$572,000 $595,000 $620,000 $725,000 $690,000 $810000 $817,000 $850,000 $859,000 $865,000
925 925 925
$618.38 $643.24 $670.27 $638.77 $745.95 $606.71 $681.96 $576.66 $651.25 $617.42
Plan C Plan C
03/25/22 10/07/22 02/25/22 08/08/22 02/02/23 10/12/22 03/30/22 06/14/22
Plan C (end unit)
Plan C
1401 1198 1474 1319 1401
Plan D (end unit)
T-1 T-2
02/25/22 08/25/22
3131 Harbor
3544 Sunset
3145 Harbor
3125 Harbor Blvd $999,000
03/11/22 05/05/23
3241 Harbor
Market Average $651,56 Bold: REMAX Represented Buyers, Sellers or Both $759,785 $750,500
The information referenced has been provided by the Ventura County MLS Corporation’s MLS as of July 28, 2023. The listings and sales are not exclusive to RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors and may have been represented by others. Display of the MLS data is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed by the MLS and prices are subject to change.
See HarborWalk floor plans at:
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