April 2022


Service For Life !

Insider Tips for Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Living

If you're not already a subscriber to my free e–newsletter e - mail me at Florence@bchrealestate.com to sign up

Florence Gadbois, Realtor CA DRE#01040021 (805) 701 - 8410 E - mail: Florence@BchRealEstate.com

Do You Work In A Toxic Environment?

Most jobs aren’t perfect, but it’s important to be able to recognize if your workplace is truly toxic. In today’s Service For Life ! ® Free consumer newsletter, you’ll learn a few of the major warning signs that your workplace isn’t healthy and what to do a bout it. You’ll also learn about the growing problem of fake medications, how to handle friendships with people who are more frugal than you are, and some considerations when planning your dream outdoor kitchen – plus fun facts, a trivia challenge, and lots more. Here’s what’s happening in your neighborhood : Below are the sales statistics for the beach/marina area, which includes: Mandalay Shores, Hollywood Beach, Silverstrand Beach, Mandalay Bay, Seabridge, Westport, Port Marluna,The Colony, HarborWalk, HarborWest, CI Waterfront Homes , Harbour Island. Note: Inventory less than 6 months is conside red a seller’s market; more than 6 month’s, a buyer’s.

Closed Escrows

Active Listings

Listing Inventory (months)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 21 14 23 20 13 12 15 11 13 13

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 70 67 80 22 21 2.13 4.49 4.14 1.19 0.92 53 91 92 23 21 2.59 3.37 4.68 1.55 0.525 63 69 89 17 12 2.51 4.5 4.68 0.53

January February


28 14 17 20 19 20 17 18 31 18 8 22 22 11 22 34 15 24 46 30 32 29 32 28 23 27 45 27 16 15 49 26 19 14 19 25 12 22 29 18

16 thru 3/19

April May June

60 87 90 14 54 108 93 29 70 128 78 28 97 122 80 18 92 125 62 34 95 126 51 20 81 115 34 16 87 100 41 20 79 93 32 21

2.42 5.46 4.9 0.86 2.82 6.98 4.29 1 4.2 7.04 4.38 0.62 4.1 6.88 4.05 1.23 4.21 7.04 4.78 0.73 3.67 6.3 1.5 0.62 4.13 5.74 1.8 0.9 3.81 4.71 1.23 0.875 3.32 4.3 0.89 0.897





November December

We had 13 escrows close in February in the beach/marina area. I represented one buyer and one seller at HarborWalk. As of March 18th I have closed one escrow in The Colony and have two more scheduled to close by the end of the month. I have a downstairs Colony with attached garage and a townhome coming up. Thinking of buying a larger condo or know someone who is looking to buy at the beach? Give me a call.

Finally, I want you to know, that you may call me for any reason. And please let me know if a friend, family member or neighbor needs a caring, experienced real estate professional to help in buying or selling.

I truly appreciate your friendship and referrals. Enjoy your issue!

Warmest regards, Florence

Florence Gadbois DRE #01040021 RE/MAX Gold Coast

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com

Florenc e’s…

Service For Life ! “Insider Tips For Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Living…”

WARNING: Don’t even think of selling your home without my Free Consumer Guide titled, “How To Avoid 7 Costly Mistakes When Selling Your Home.” Call me right now at 805-701-8410 to learn more…

Signs Of A Toxic Workplace

Most of us probably have a thing or two we’d like to change about our work, but there’s a difference between wishing your office had more windows and being in a truly toxic work environment. The latter can cause stress both on the job and at home, which can then lead to physical ailments — not to mention how much the work itself undoubtedly suffers.

April 2022 Oxnard, California

Here are a few symptoms of a toxic workplace, and how to handle them.

Inside This Issue…

• High Burnout or Turnover Rate : People rarely stay in one job for an entire career anymore, but if staffing feels like a revolving door it could be a sign of a bad work environment. • No Work/Life Balance : When only the workaholics who never take time off are rewarded, it could mean management isn’t concerned about the well-being of employees. • Confusing or Contradictory Assignments : If you’re often getting unclear instructions or mixed messages from different managers, these could be symptoms of larger communication issues. If any of this sounds familiar and you’re not in a management pos ition in which you can fix the situation, you have two options: Learn to deal with it or quit. And, even if you decide to quit, you’ll be dealing with workplace stress until you have a new job. Y ou probably aren’t the only one who notices negativity in the office, so if you have a good HR department schedule some time to chat with them about the issues you’ve seen. You can ask HR or your supervisor, when appropriate, for help dealing with a problematic colleague. And even if you decide to quit, it’s also a good idea to document the problems you notice and (where possible) offer some solutions. Should you ultimately choose to leave the company, keep in mind that it’s far easier to find a new job when you already have a job. Have a new position lined up before you hand in your notice. Learn How To Maximize The Value Of Your Home Did you know there’s a free consumer report showing what to fix to net the most value for your home? It’s called “ Make Your Home Show Like A Model Without Breaking The Bank ” and it’s an essential guide to homeowner profits. You can get a free copy by calling me at… 805-701-8410

3 Symptoms Of A Toxic Workplace …Page 1

Common Counterfeit Pills …Page 2

Maintaining Friendships With Penny-Pinchers …Page 3

How To Start Planning Your Dream Outdoor Kitchen …Page 3

Answer This Trivia Question and You Could Win $75 Gift Card for Lure Restaurant...Page 4 Are There Any Secrets To Finding The Right Home At The Right Price With The Right Financing?...Page 4

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com

Word of the Month… Studies have shown your income and wealth are directly related to the size and depth of your vocabulary. Here is this month’s word, so you can impress your friends (and maybe even fatten your wallet!)… Meaning: to persuade or lure by using flattery or lies Sample Sentence: He managed to inveigle her to join him, though she initially said she wasn’t interested, by gushing over how fabulous she looked in her party dress. Tummy Ache Terminology Did you know that the words “nauseous” and “nauseated” mean different things? Originally, “nauseous” described the thing that made you feel ill (“the nauseous smell from sour milk makes me sick”). “Nauseated” means actually feeling ill (“smelli ng sour milk makes me feel nauseated. ”) It’s widely acceptable today to use the words interchangeably to describe feeling sick to the stomach. “Writing” Music Many cities have an orchestra, but only one is made up of old typewriters. The Boston Typewriter Orchestra (bostontypewriterorchestra.com) was born in 2004 and not only does occasional live performances, but they’ve also got recordings available for download. Quotes To Live By… “We are all bound up together in one great bundle of humanity, and society cannot trample on the weakest and feeblest of its members without receiving the curse in its own soul.” – Frances Harper, Poet “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Writer “It’s pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness; poverty and wealth have both failed.” – Kin Hubbard, Cartoonist inveigle (pronounced in-VAY-gull) verb

Fake Drugs: A Growing Problem Prescription medication costs can vary considerably, so it’s not surprising that many people shop around for the best prices. Unfortunately, some of those great deals are counterfeit medications — and the number of fake drugs in the country is growing at an unprecedented rate. Some of the most common fake medications in the United States are painkillers and pills for chronic conditions like diabetes, HIV, and Alzheimer’s . Instead of the medicine a patient needs, these fakes might not have any of the active ingredient they’re sup posed to have, or they may have a completely different active ingredient. In some cases, the pills are made of things you would never purposely ingest, from concrete to floor wax to antifreeze. To make matters even worse, the Drug Enforcement Administration says an increasing number of these fakes are mixed with dangerous drugs like fentanyl or methamphetamine. Fentanyl in particular is lethal at extremely small doses (small enough to fit on the tip of a pencil). And the DEA says lab analyses reveal that two out of every five fake pills with fentanyl contain a potentially lethal dose – a very scary prospect. The DEA says the majority of counterfeit medications come from China and Mexico, and since they’re specifically designed to look like the real thing, they can be very hard to identify. In September 2021, the DEA reported having seized more than 9.5 million fake pills since the start of the year with every single state represented on the list. Experts recommend consumers make sure they’re getting presc riptions filled at licensed pharmacies only. You can learn more about what common counterfeit medications look like, their potential dangers, and how to protect yourself on this site: https://www.dea.gov/onepill

Recent Sales

February Closings at the Beach/Marina Area: 13 Florence represented one seller and one buyer at HarborWalk

3134 Sunset – represented the seller 3224 Sunset – represented the buyer

March Closings (as of 3/18) at the beach/Marina Area: 16 Florence represented one seller at The Colony and 2 more are scheduled to close by the end of the month at The Colony

2377 Martinique – represented the seller 4427 Antigua – represented the seller 2121 Martinique – represented buyer and seller

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com

How to Work With Overly Frugal Friends

Brain Teaser… When escaping a maze, you come to three doors. The door on the left leads to a room full of flames. The door in the center leads to a ninja assassin. The door on the right leads to a tiger that hasn't eaten in three months. Which door do you choose? (See page 4 for the answer.) What’s My Home Worth? If you want to know your home’s current value, I will gladly conduct a Maximum Value Home Audit . Request this “no charge” in -depth home value analysis by calling me at: 805-701- 8410 . Taste The World If you love food, you know that one of the great joys of traveling is sampling dishes that are unique to the country or city you’re visiting. It can sometimes be hard to find out what those local dishes are, and that’s where a site like Taste Atlas (tasteatlas.com) comes in. The interactive maps on Taste Atlas have little pictures of dishes different places are known for, and you can zoom in to get increasingly specific on locations. It’s a fun way to help you plan your next delicious adventure. Learn About History Online Learning about history doesn’t have to stop when we finish school, and it can be utterly fascinating. Check out these sites to help make history come alive. missedinhistory.com – This entertaining podcast takes “deep dive” looks into historic events and personalities, many of which you probably never even heard about in history class. wondrium.com – Formerly known as The Great Courses, Wondrium is a one- stop destination for online classes on any topic you can imagine — including history. historyexplorer.si.edu – This site pulls from the enormous collections of the Smithsonian museums to help illustrate its history lessons.

While you may have been taught that it’s impolite to talk about money, there are times when not having an open conversation is the problem. If you have experienced tension with a friend who’s more frugal than you are, here are some suggestions to help the friendship survive: • Be clear about expectations. When you invite the friend to brunch, say at the outset that you’d like to split the check evenly. When taking contributions for a group gift, mention a specific baseline amount. Your friend can then decide whether they can comfortably participate. • Vary activity expense levels. Rather than always meeting your friend for expensive dinners, mix it up so that it’s sometimes breakfast, a cheaper happy hour, or even a potluck dinner. Suggest fun and free adventures like hiking or a picnic mixed in among spa days and concert tickets. • Let them take the lead. Take turns planning so your friend has equal opportunities to suggest activities that fit within their budget. I t’s never a good idea to assume you know all about your friend’s financial situation or judge w hether they’re being frugal or simply “ cheap. ” Money is something many people have trouble talking about. And keeping score can turn a friendship into more of a business transaction, which is a pretty good way for everyone to be left with hurt feelings. Your Dream Outdoor Kitchen The sky's the limit with an outdoor kitchen, but before you dive into the deep end of choosing countertops, here are a few important things to think about to be sure an outdoor kitchen meets your particular needs. ➢ What’s your goal? Be specific about what your dream outdoor cooking experience includes. Is it an expanded grilling setup or a brick pizza oven? Is it simply space to cook or seating for a crowd? ➢ How complex do you want it to be? It can be as simple as a grill, or include high-tech electric fireplaces, sound systems, etc. Ideally, the outdoor kitchen should be close to the indoor kitchen, and sometimes that means you can skip things like an outdoor refrigerator if you’re budget -conscious. ➢ Will you need a permit? Some design elements require permits, like plumbing any outdoor appliances for electricity or water. Find out about local requirements before getting too far into the planning process. Remember that whatever your outdoor kitchen looks like, you’ll need to think about safety measures just like you do when cooking indoors. Make sure electrical outlets are adequate for the appliances you’re using, any gas lines are leak- free, and there’s a fire extinguisher nearby just in case. Would You Like To Know How Much Your Neighbor’s Home Listed Or Sold For? Maybe you’re just curious. Or maybe you want to know how much your home is worth. Either way, I can help…with no “sales pitches” or run - arounds. Call me at 805-701-8410 and I’ll give you all the facts.

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com

Thanks For Thinking of Me!

“Who Else Wants To Win $75 Gift Card for Lure Restaurant ?”

Did you know I can help you or any of your friends or family save time and money when buying or selling a home? Thanks for keeping me in mind with your referrals…and spreading the word about my services.

Guess who won last month’s Trivia Question? I’m pleased to announce the lucky winner of last month’s quiz. And the winner is …drum roll please: Lloyd Pilch of Tarzana.

Brain Teaser Answer:

The door with the tiger, because he is dead.

How many athletes have won medals in both the Winter and Summer Olympic Games? a) 25 b) 10 c) 5 d) 45

DIY Lawn Twister Bring this childhood favorite game outdoors with spray paint and a circular template you can cut from cardboard! You can make the “board” as big as you like, from the traditional six rows of four colors each to a much larger grid if there are lots of players. And if you don’t have the Twister spinner, you can make cards to draw from two hats — one for the circle color and one for the body part. Have A Laugh… What did the Buddhist ask the hot dog vendor? “Make me one with everything.” THANK YOU for reading my Service For Life ! ® personal newsletter. I wanted to produce a newsletter that has great content and is fun and valuable to you. Your constructive feedback is always welcome. AND… whether you’re thinking of buying, selling or financing real estate, or just want to stop by and say “Hi,” I’d love to hear from you… Florence Gadbois RE/MAX Gold Coast 805-701-8410 florence@bchrealestate.com BchRealEstate.com Disclaimer: The information contained in this letter is intended for informational purposes. It should not substitute as legal, accounting, investment, medical or other professional services advice. Always seek a competent professional for answers to your specific questions. This letter is not intended to solicit real estate properties currently for sale.

The answer is c) Five. In fact, In the history of the modern Olympics, only 128 athletes have even taken part in both the Summer and Winter Games. So let’s move on to this month’s trivia question. What Victorian-era disease was common on ships, but could be prevented with oranges? a) rickets b) scurvy c) consumption d) gout

Call Me At 805-701-8410 OR Email Me At florence@bchrealestate.com And You Could Be One Of My Next Winners!

Real Estate Corner…

Q. Are there any secrets to finding the right home at the right price with the right financing?

A. Lots of homebuyers waste time and money by not doing their homework before going home shopping. Here’s what you should do:

⧫ Analyze your NEEDS before you start looking. Make a list, including price range, size, general location, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. ⧫ Know what you WANT in your next home . List the features you’d like to have and rank them in terms of importance. If you have a spouse, set your priorities as a couple. ⧫ Understand how much home you can afford . Become familiar with your “payment -to-incom e ratio” and your “debt -to- income ratio,” two guides bankers and mortgage lenders use to determine how much loan you can afford.

For more home buying tips, ask for my Free Consumer Report called “8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Buying Your Next Home.”

Do you have a question you want answered? Feel free to call me at 805-701- 8410. Perhaps I’ll feature your question in my next issue!

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com

Florence’s…. Colony MarketWatch ™ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For The Colony To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”

Homes Currently Active …




Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

4681 San Sebastian





$895,000 $895,000

Market Average

Properties Taking Back Up Offers … Address



Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan Martinique

Asking Price





$789,000 $789,000

Market Average

Properties Pending …




Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

4427 Antigua





$861,500 $861,500

Market Average

Sold Propert ies… (03/01/21 Thru 03/18/22) Address List $ Sale $



Floor Plan

Date Sold 06/14/21 07/21/21

2216 Martinique

$675,000 $659,888 $699,000

$400,000 $691,000 $705,000

1459 1217 1368

$274.16 $567.32 $515.35


1933 Majorca


2171 Martinique



2105 Martinique






09/17/21 02/17/22

2015 Majorca

$779,888 $700,000

$730,00 $734,000

1368 1368

$533.63 $536.16

Madeira Madeira

2345 Martinique


4482 Antigua







1994 San Tropez





Martinique (Ambassador) 09/29/21

4480 Antigua







1914 Majorca






01/24/22 04/27/21 09/15/21 11/22/21 05/28/21 11/12/21 11/16/21 06/25/21 02/03/22 03/15/22 02/23/22 09/20/21 02/18/22 04/06/21 07/16/21 07/30/21 07/07/21 12/21/21 09/22/21

2370 Vina del Mar 2167 Martinique 2307 Martinique 2161 Martinique

$789,888 $779,888 $799,888 $799,888 $803,888 $820,888 $699,000 $839,000 $849,000 $849,888 $875,000

$780,000 $780,000 $780,000 $802,500 $805,000 $812,500 $814,000 $835,000 $849,000 $849,888 $850,000

1627 1522 1459 1459 1368 1549 1368 1368 1459 1459 1628

$479.41 $512.48 $534.61 $550.03 $588,.02 $524.53 $595.00 $610.30 $581.90 $582.51 $522.43 $484.23 $529.48 $496.43 $841.94 $804.08 $761.52 $555.09 $522.43


Antigua Antigua Antigua Madeira Antigua

1937 Majorca 2007 Majorca

2043 San Sebastian

Madeira (Ambassador)

1913 Majorca

Madeira Antigua

2377 Martinique

2257 Martinique 2311 Martinique



2287 Martinique





4687 San Sebastian 2101 Martinique 2110 Vina del Mar 1985 San Sebastian 4760 San Sebastian 2211 Vina del Mar Market Average

$869,888 $925,000

$875,000 $925,000

1807 1747

Capri Capri

$1,195,888 $1,150,000 2409 $1,299,000 $1,305,000 1550 $1,595,888 $1,420,000 1766 $2,050,000 $2,050,000 2692


Antigua (Ambassador)

Capri (Ambassador)

Costa de Oro

$ 864,015 $ 861,705

RE/MAX represented buyer, seller or both . Properties as of March 18, 2022 and may not be listed by RE/MAX. Information herein has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change

Florence’s… MarketWatch ™

“ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For HarborWalk To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”

Active Listings… Address

List $

Sq.Ft. Floor Plan

Sunset Lane

$955,000 $955,000



Market Average

Properties Accepting Back Up Offer s… Address List $

Sq.Ft. Floor Plan

Harbor Blvd

$565,000 $565,000


Plan C

Market Average

Pending… Address

List $

Sq.Ft. Floor Plan

Harbor blvd

$797,000 $797,000


Plan D (end unit)

Market Average

Sold Properties (01/01/2021 – 03/18/2022 Address List $ Sale $

Sq.Ft. $/sq.ft

Floor Plan

Date Sold

2939 Harbor 3035 Harbor 3414 Sunset 3134 Sunset

$495,000 $490,000 $589,500 $649,500

$525,000 $540,000 $589,500 $620,000

925 781

$567.57 $691.42 $519.38 $670.27

Plan C Plan A

03/24/21 09/29/21 04/01/21 02/25/22 07/30/21 04/06/21 07/21/21 08/18/21 10/14/21 07/09/21 08/06/21 07/16/21 08/30/21 02/25/22 08/25/21 04/16/21 12/17/21 03/11/22 11/01/21




Plan C (end unit)

2947 Harbor





Plan D

4534 LaBrea






4514 LaBrea 3110 Sunset 2943 Harbor 2949 Harbor 3013 Harbor 4531 La Brea 3354 Sunset 3224 Sunset

$659,000 $690,000 $699,000 $769,000 $769,000 $800,000 $825,000 $865,000

$680,000 $689,900 $700,000 $755,000 $764,000 $800,000 $845,000 $865,000


$515.54 $745.83 $584.31 $630.22 $677.30 $568.99 $542.01 $617.42



Plan C (end unit) Plan D (end unit)

1198 1198 1128 1406 1559 1401

Plan D Plan B

Villa Villa Villa

3364 Sunset






3241 Harbor





Villa (end unit)

4505 La Brea






3125 Harbor Blvd $999,000





3264 Sunset





Villa (end unit)

Market Average $608.60 Bold: REMAX Represented Buyers, Sellers or Both $755,212 $760,031

The information referenced has been provided by the Ventura County MLS Corporation’s MLS as of March 18, 2022. The listings and sales are not exclusive to RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors and may have been represented by others. Display of the MLS data is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed by the MLS and prices are subject to change.

See HarborWalk floor plans at: HarborWalkCondos.com

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