April 2020


Service For Life !

Insider Tips for Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Living

If you're not already a subscriber to my free e–newsletter e - mail me at Florence@bchrealestate.com to sign up

Florence Gadbois, Realtor CA BRE#01040021 (805) 701 - 8410 E - mail: Florence@BchRealEstate.com

Do You Know What’s in Your Sunscreen?

Many of us have always believed slathering on sunscreen to protect ourselves from the sun’s harmful rays is one of the healthiest things we do. In today’s Service For Life ! ® Free consumer newsletter, read what the FDA is saying about the ingredients in some sunscreens, how to spot problem chemicals, and safer alternatives to switch to. You’ll also learn about ways to recycle and reduce waste, how to create a bountiful front yard, and how to get the job that you want but think you might be overqualified for – plus fun facts, a trivia challenge, and lots more. Here’s the Sales Statistics for the Beach/Marina area, which includes Mandalay Shores, Hollywood Beach, Silverstrand Beach, Mandalay Bay, Seabridge, Westport, The Colony, HarborWalk, HarborsWest, C.I. Waterfront Homes and Harbour Island. Note: Inventory less than 6 months is considered a seller’s market; more than 6 month’s, a buyer’s.

Closed Escrows

Active Listings

Inventory (months)

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 17 21 21 14 23

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 62 75 70 67 80 2.7 4.02 2.13 4.49 4.14 63 84 53 91 92 3.03 3.95 2.59 3.37 4.68 70 84 63 69 89 3.69 3.9 2.51 4.5


February 14 18 12 15 11


18 34 28 14 17 18 19 20 23 20 31 18 21 44 22 11 24 22 15 24 22 30 32 29

11 thru 3/17

April May June

80 88 60 87 74 107 54 108 83 112 70 128 102 102 97 122 112 103 92 125 106 95 95 126 107 96 81 115 93 61 87 100 83 63 79 93

3.58 4.72 2.42 5.46 3.8 4.99 2.82 6.98 4.73 4.19 4.2 7.04 5.27 4.26 4.1 6.88 5.11 3.82 4.21 7.04 5.18 3.83 3.67 6.3 4.52 2.4 4.13 5.74 4.06 2.45 3.81 4.71 3.64 2.54 3.32 4.3



September 26 29 23 27


24 28 16 15

November 19 23 19 14 December 22 11 12 22

Finally, I want you to know, that you may call me for any reason. And please let me know if a friend, family member or neighbor needs a caring, competent real estate professional to help in buying or selling. I truly appreciate your friendship and referrals. Stay safe and healthy out there and enjoy your issue!

Warmest regards, Florence

Florence Gadbois CA BRE#01040021 RE/MAX Gold Coast

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com


Service For Life ! “Insider Tips For Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Living…”

WARNING: Don’t even think of selling your home without my Free Consumer Guide titled, “How To Avoid 7 Costly

Ingredients to Watch For In Sunscreens

Mistakes When Selling Your Home.” Call me right now at 805-701-8410 to learn more…

We’ve been told for years that we need to wear sunscreen daily, but what do we know about the ingredients in the stuff we’re slathering on our skin all summer? You might not know this, but you might be ingesting sunscreen from inhaling sprays and applying sunscreen to your lips. Sunscreen is also absorbed by the skin. These chemicals can show up in your blood, urine, and even breast milk! That’s why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating the safety of sunscreen and insisting that consumers have clear information about the chemicals contained within sunscreen products. The FDA has stated that there isn’t enough information to determine if a wide range of chemicals contained in sunscreens are safe. In particular, concerns have been raised about these chemicals, so check your sunscreen to see if any of them are on the ingredients list: 1. Oxybenzone is associated with affecting hormone levels and altered birth weights. It has relatively high rates of skin allergies. It's one of the ingredients found to be contaminating coral reefs. 2. Octinoxate has moderate rates of skin allergies and impacted hormone levels. This ingredient also affects sea life. 3. Octocrylene has been associated with relatively high rates of skin allergies. 4. Homosalate is known to disrupt hormone levels. Mineral sunscreens, however, rate much better! The FDA has stated that natural minerals like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are safe and less likely to penetrate the skin, while still providing sun protection.

April 2020 Oxnard, California

Inside This Issue…

4 Chemicals To Avoid In Your Sunscreen…Page 1

Get A Job You’re Overqualified For…Page 2

Surprising Reusable Items…Page 3

How To Create A Bountiful Front Yard…Page 3

Answer This Trivia Question and You Could Win $75 gift card for Lure Restaurant...Page 4 What Important Things Should I Know When Buying My First Home?...Page 4

For much more detailed info and a downloadable sunscreen guide plus an app for your phone, visit: www.ewg.org/sunscreen/

Learn How To Maximize The Value Of Your Home Did you know there’s a free consumer report showing what to fix to net the most value for your home? It’s called “ Make Your Home Show Like A Model Without Breaking The Bank ” and it’s an essential guide to homeowner profits. You can get a free copy by calling me at… 805-701-8410

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com

Word of the Month… Studies have shown your income and wealth are directly related to the size and depth of your vocabulary. Here is this month’s word, so you can impress your friends (and maybe even fatten your wallet!)… Freegan (free-gan) noun Meaning: a blend of words free and vegan , meaning someone who scavenges for free food that is also vegan Sample Sentence: Freegans reject consumerism, choosing to scavenge food that might otherwise go to waste. Free Weed Prevention Did you know that arborists often struggle to get rid of chipped wood (what is left from cutting down trees)? These chips make a great mulch, and work much the same providing ground cover, or the base of borders around the garden. They can also prevent weeds popping through in between plants. Be sure to give your local arborist a call to see if they have some you can pick up. There’s even a service you can sign up for that helps connect you with arborists who need to get rid of wood chips: https://getchipdrop.com/ Time-Saving Tech Tip To save time opening a new browser to search Google, simply highlight the word, right click your mouse and select “Search Google for ‘x’.” This feature works in multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, and Safari). Astronaut Funny Q: Did you hear about the astronaut suffering with claustrophobia? A: He just needed some space! Quotes To Live By… “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s Party!’” –Robin Williams “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

How To Land a Job When You’re Overqualified

Sometimes, either because you’re looking for work to do in retirement or you’re just looking for a change, you may be overlooked by prospective employers because you’re TOO qualified. Here are some tips for tailoring your skills and resume to that job you want but might be overqualified for:  Customize your resume : Instead of using the executive summary to list all of your skills, just align it with the skills required for the job you’re applying for (that’s a good tip for any resume writing!). Be brief in the rest of your resume and focus on specific and transferrable skills rather than managerial experience.  Tailor your cover letter: Carefully research the company: look at the kinds of people they have previously employed and their areas of expertise. Identify any possible gaps of experience that you could fill. There is no harm in addressing that you’re overqualified for the job. You can use that information to your advantage: tell the employer why your experience makes you the right candidate for their job.  Prepare for the interview: Consider possible answers to questions about being overqualified for the job. You can reiterate the points you made in your cover letter and also explain why you’re interested in this job. For example, you could explain that while you have years of managerial experience, you’re approaching retirement and looking for less responsibility but a steady and reliable job. Or, you could explain that matching your current salary isn’t a priority for you and you’re more interested in the prospects within the organization.  Sell yourself : Use your research about the company and the job to sell your unique skills and experience. Remember : employers are focused on picking people who will stick around, not someone who will take the job until something better comes along. Be prepared to change their perceptions!

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com

Eat Your Front Yard The front yard has traditionally been more for beautiful and showy plants, and less for edible veggies. But can you have both? Here are some ideas for beautiful plants that grow to a variety of different heights, make use of your green space, AND provide food to eat!  Corn : the plants grow into large dramatic shoots.  Artichokes : produce big beautiful purple-tinged chokes that look like sunflowers.  Rainbow chard : produces a range of colored leaves for much of the year.  Chives : they aren’t as big as these other vegetable plants, but they produce beautiful little flowers and are low maintenance.  Thyme : produces a lovely ground cover and caterpillars hate it, which will save your kale!  Italian kale : will look great next to the rainbow chard. It’s hardy and will produce kale throughout the seasons, too.  Peas : also have lovely flowers and will grow on a trellis at the back of your vegetable garden. Zero-Waste Items You Might Not Have Considered There are lots more than just reusable water bottles and grocery bags available these days to help you live a greener lifestyle. Here are a few that can save money AND landfill space:  Ditch the zip-top baggies: Did you know you can now buy reusable storage bags for things like sandwiches, snacks, or leftovers? Try Amazon or a store like Target.  Produce bags: Mesh produce bags can replace all those thin produce bags at the grocery store, and they won’t dump all your carrots. You can find these at Amazon or Target, too.  No more cling film: There are handy wax fabrics you can replace your plastic cling wrap with now. Bonus: you just need to rinse dry to re-use, and it’s reusable AND biodegradable. Check out: beeswrap.com  Use your own coffee cup: Take your own cup to your favorite café and ask them to save the paper cup. Keep a clean one in your vehicle for unplanned coffee runs.  Skip the dryer sheets: Reusable wool dryer balls can soften and fluff your laundry without the chemicals commercial dryer sheets use. You can add your favorite essential oil if you want to a fresh scent. You can find them at most big-box stores and: MollysSuds.com Would You Like To Know How Much Your Neighbor’s Home Listed Or Sold For? Maybe you’re just curious. Or maybe you want to know how much your home is worth. Either way, I can help…with no “sales pitches” or run- arounds. Call me at 805-701-8410 and I’ll give you all the facts.

Brain Teaser… A woman stands on one side of a small lake, with her dog on the other side. The woman calls her dog, who immediately obeys and crosses the water without getting wet. How did the dog do it without using a bridge? What’s My Home Worth? If you want to know your home’s current value, I will gladly conduct a Maximum Value Home Audit . Request this “no charge” in-depth home value analysis by calling me at: 805-701-8410. Natural Insect Repellent If you’ve created a beautiful front yard garden (see article to the right!), the last thing you want is insects eating your flowers or veggies. Here is an all- natural solution to repel insects and help your greens grow. Garlic-Mint Insect Spray : blend a handful of mint leaves and a few garlic cloves in a food processor, add cayenne or pepper flakes, and a drop of dish washing liquid. Pour into a pan and bring to a boil. Turn off and let the mixture sit overnight. Strain the mixture into a spray bottle and it’s ready to use. Gardening Websites Whether you’re a curious gardener and want to learn more about plants (and the bugs that eat them), garden design, or if you want to develop a self-sustaining vegetable-producing garden, these websites are for you. www.garden.org – Home to the National Gardening Association. Here you’ll find an online library of plants, forums to ask gardening communities, and lessons to improve your gardening knowledge! www.insectid.ento.vt.edu – This site is an extensive online library of insects and pests (with images) and control measures to keep critters at bay! (See page 4 for the answer.) www.vegetablemdonline.ppath. cornell.edu – Cornell’s Online Vegetable MD! You’ll be able to spot problems with vegetables and you can download fact sheets packed with solutions.

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com

Thanks For Thinking of Me!

“Who Else Wants To Win $75 Gift Card for Lure Restaurant?”

Did you know I can help you or any of your friends or family save time and money when buying or selling a home? Thanks for keeping me in mind with your referrals…and spreading the word about my services.

Guess who won last month’s Trivia Question? I’m pleased to announce the lucky winner of last month’s quiz. And the winner is…drum roll please: Andrew Pfeffer of The Colony won the drawing for my quiz question. What was a 1962 Nobel Prize winner the first to do in 2014? a) Win the Nobel Prize for the same thing b) Compete in the Olympics c) Deny his scientific findings d) Sell his medal The answer is d) Sell his medal. Dr. James D. Watson was the first living Nobelist to sell his medal citing financial issues.

Brain Teaser Answer:

The lake was frozen!

The Origin of Bluetooth The origin of the word “Bluetooth” has nothing to do with technology and actually originates from ancient times; specifically, the Vikings. The interesting logo for Bluetooth that is used on tech devices represents the initials of King Harald Gormsson. King Gormsson ruled over Denmark and Norway between 958 and 970. He was most well-known for uniting the two countries and converting Danes to Christianity. He gained his nickname, “Bluetooth” from his dead tooth which was dark blue/grey in color. THANK YOU for reading my Service For Life ! ® personal newsletter. I wanted to produce a newsletter that has great content and is fun and valuable to you. Your constructive feedback is always welcome. AND… whether you’re thinking of buying, selling or financing real estate, or just want to stop by and say “Hi,” I’d love to hear from you… Florence Gadbois CA DRE#01040021 RE/MAX Gold Coast 805-701-8410 Florence@BchRealEstate.com BchRealEstate.com Disclaimer: The information contained in this letter is intended for informational purposes. It should not substitute as legal, accounting, investment, medical or other professional services advice. Always seek a competent professional for answers to your specific questions. This letter is not intended to solicit real estate properties currently for sale. Because Bluetooth the man was known as a “uniter” or great communicator, the term Bluetooth was chosen for a technology that began uniting communication in the 1990s.

So let’s move on to this month’s trivia question. Which country is the world’s largest producer of wine as of 2019?

a) Italy b) The U.S. c) France d) New Zealand

Call Me At 805-701-8410 OR Email Me At Florence@BchRealEstate.com And You Could Be My Next Winner!

Real Estate Corner…

Q. What important things should I know when buying my first home? A. Buying your first home is a big step and making mistakes can cost you thousands of dollars. Here are three mistakes you should avoid:  Not having a professional home inspection. Review the report carefully so you don’t buy a home with serious issues, such as pests, mold, or water damage.  Not doing a “walk-through” before closing. Visit the property after all the furnishings have been removed so you won’t have any surprises later.  Not understanding the contract. A REALTOR ® who serves as your “Buyer’s Representative” will help you understand your responsibilities and guide you through the process.

Want to learn more? Ask for my Free Consumer Report called “Top 10 First-Time Homebuyer Mistakes To Avoid.”

Do you have a real estate question you want answered? Feel free to call me at 805-701-8410. Perhaps I’ll feature your question in my next issue!

Get Free money-saving home tips at my web site: BchRealEstate.com


MarketWatch ™ “ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For The Colony To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”

Homes Currently Active …




Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

2202 Martinique






2206 Martinique




Madeira (upper level)


4742 San Sebastian




Madeira (Ambassador)


2345 Vina del Mar

3 2 3

3 2 3

2692 1766 2360

Costa de Oro

$989,000 $1,550,888 $1,149,888

San Sebastian Vina del Mar


Vina del Mar


Market Average

Active Taking Back Up Offers… Address



Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

Antigua Majorca

2 2

2 2

1368 1549

Madeira Antigua

$587,900 $669,888 $628,894

Market Average

Sold Properties… (01/01/19 Thru 03/17/20) Address List $ Sale $

Sq.Ft. $/sq.ft

Floor Plan

Date Sold

2382 Vina del Mar




$452.83 Martinique (Phase I)

10/31/19 02/05/20 01/03/20 03/02/20 08/06/19

2067 San Sebastian

$579,888 $535,888 $539,888 $569,888 $539,000

$515,000 $518,000 $525,000 $525,000 $525,000

1218 1217 1217 1549 1368

$422.82 Martinique (Ambassador

2055 Majorca 4405 Antigua 4431 Antigua

$425.64 Martinique $431.39 Martinique $338.93 Antigua $383.77 Madeira

2103 Martinique


2223 Martinique




$480.68 Martinique (Phase I)


2305 Martinique




$480.68 Martinique (Phase I)


4463 Antigua

$589,000 $579,000 $605,000 $599,888 $615,000 $665,000 $678,000 $729,000 $835,000 $999,000 $959,000 $1,125,888 $1,175,888 $1,299,000

$575,000 $579,000 $580,000 $590,000 $605,000 $625,000 $670,000 $709,000 $812,500 $939,000 $949,000

1368 1450 1627 1368 1459 1627 1780 1550 1550 2360 2360



07/08/19 05/17/19 05/03/19 01/03/20 03/30/19 10/29/19 11/20/19 04/15/19 12/11/19 05/10/19 08/26/19 01/03/20 11/06/19

4446 Antigua 2031 Majorca 2204 Martinique 2351 Martinique 2361 Martiique

$373.79 Antigua $356.48 Capri $431.29 Madeira $398.81 Antigua $384.14 Capri $376.40 Capri

4421 Antigua

4711 San Sebastian 4674 San Sebastian 2222 Cannes Square 2353 Vina del Mar 2123 Vina del Mar 2127 Vina del Mar 2315 Vina del Mar

$457.42 Antigua (Ambassador) $524.19 Antigua (Ambassador)

$397.88 Vina del Mar $402.12 Vina del Mar $444.92 Vina del Mar

$1,050,000 2360 $1,100,000 2149 $1,300,000 2139

$511.87 Cannes

$607.76 San Tropez





Market Average

RE/MAX represented buyer, seller or both . Properties as of March 17, 2020 and may not be listed by RE/MAX. Information herein has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change



MarketWatch ™ “ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For HarborWalk To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”

Homes Currently Active …




Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

3142 Sunset




Plan D

$599,000 $599,000

Market Average

Sold Properties (01/01/19 Thru 03/17/20) Address List $ Sale $

Sq.Ft. $/sq.ft

Floor Plan

Date Sold

3132 Sunset 3043 Harbor 3130 Sunset 3111 Harbor 3061 Harbor 3304 Sunset 2949 Harbor 3634 Sunset 3450 Sunset 3444 Sunset 3136 Sunset 3135 Harbor 3131 Harbor 3340 Sunset 3201 Harbor 3380 Sunset

$415,000 $425,000 $479,000 $499,000 $525,000 $549,900 $575,000 $595,000 $610,000 $639,000 $627,000 $729,000 $699,000 $729,000 $779,000 $795,000 $604,368

$405,000 $445,000 $440,000 $489,000 $495,000 $549,000 $560,000 $565,000 $595,000 $611,000 $615,000 $700,000 $701,000 $729,000 $779,000 $785,000 $591,937


$437.84 $394.50 $484.32 $433.51 $438.83 $372.20 $467.45 $428.35 $451.10 $414.52 $513.36 $499.29 $466.71 $490.91 $524.57 $532.20 $455.01

Plan C Plan B Plan C Plan B Plan B

12/13/19 07/03/19 09/30/19 12/05/19 07/11/19 05/22/19 12/13/19 07/26/19 09/27/19 09/09/19 08/26/19 03/25/19 07/18/19 02/28/20 08/12/19 07/08/19



1128 1128 1475 1198 1319 1319 1474 1198 1402 1501 1485 1485 1485


Plan D

T-2 T-2


Plan D

Villa (end unit)


Villa (end unit)

Villa Villa

Market Average

Bold: REMAX Represented Buyers, Sellers or Both

The information referenced has been provided by the Ventura County MLS Corporation’s MLS as of March 17, 2020. The listings and sales are not exclusive to RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors and may have been represented by others. Display of the MLS data is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed by the MLS and prices are subject to change.

To See HarborWalk floor plans go to my HarborWalk web site: http://HarborWalkCondos.com


MarketWatch ™ “ Here’s Neighborhood Home Information For Harbour Island To Help You Evaluate The Value Of Your Investment. ”

Homes Currently Active … Address



Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

Harbour Island Harbour Island Market Average

2 2

2 2

1937 2164

Plan A (Avalon) Plan B (Balboa)

$899,000 $879,000


Homes Pending … Address



Sq. Ft.

Floor Plan

Asking Price

1747 Emerald Isle Market Average




Plan A (Avalon)

$779,000 $779,000

Sold Properties (01/01/19 Thru 03/27/2020) Address List $ Sale $

Sq.Ft. $/sq.ft

Floor Plan Plan B (Balboa) Plan B (Balboa) Plan B (Balboa) Plan C (Carmel)

Date Sold 03/11/2020 01/13/2020 04/25/2019 09/09/2019

1737 Emerald Isle 1748 Emerald Isle

$865,000 $850,000 $899,000

$810,000 $850,000 $880,000

2164 2164 2164

$399.72 $392.79 $406.65 $506.95 $373.32

1717 Pearl

1953 Emerald Isle

$1,369,000 $1,350,000 2663

4254 Harbour Island $1,800,000 $1,500,000 4018 Market Average $410.80 Bold: REMAX Represented Buyers, Sellers or Both $1,156,600 $1,078,000

Plan D (Del Mar) 08/29/2019

The information referenced has been provided by the Ventura County MLS Corporation’s MLS as of Mar. 27, 2020. The listings and sales are not exclusive to RE/MAX Gold Coast Realtors and may have been represented by others. Display of the MLS data is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed by the MLS and prices are subject to change.

To see Harbour Island Floor Plans go to my Harbour Island web site: HarbourIslandCondos.com

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